CHAPTER 16 : Metamorphosis

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Around the same time, in the hangar control room...

The Ninja alongside Johnny, Naoto, and his crew are analyzing Ao Quanta's data from the previous battle against both the shattered Soleil and Ren's mass-produced 2wingS Gundam while Aohime was piloting it.

The Ninja: "Did you find anything?"

Johnny: "Hmm... Judging from how Ao Quanta's performance dropped during battle, it looked like there were synchronization issues between your sister and Ao Quanta."

The Ninja: "Synchronization issues, huh? Hold on, I just realized, weren't all these Gundams designed with idols in mind?"

Johnny: "Yes, why?"

The Ninja: "I bet my sister must've realized that, too. Her synchronization with Ao Quanta was... forced."

Naoto: "Actually, you're right. According to this data, despite your sister having instant 100% synchronization rate with Ao Quanta, there are strange fluctuations during battle, as the unit was receiving power from... a source that the system isn't familiar with. Now that you mention it, does that mean--?"

The Ninja: "Yes, my sister was never an idol, nor does she have any idol energy within her. While she did reside within Aoi-san's body for a bit, but she did not seem to receive any portions of her host body's idol energy. This is unlike Iris-san who basically mirrored Miyu-san's idol energy with her Angel powers, my sister used a power that has nothing to do with idol energy."

Naoto: "Didn't she take control of Ao Quanta temporarily back when they fought against Ryan in Bandung?"

Johnny: "According to this data, yes, she did. But the fluctuations were not noticable."

The Ninja: "I think she wasn't exactly summoning a lot of her power at the time due to the opponent being a big, easy target, hence Ao Quanta was still able to keep up. Besides, she just barely split herself from Aoi-san, she wasn't in full strength. But the previous battle made her summon more of her power, and... you know the result."

Johnny: "So, what kind of power does your sister have?"

The Ninja: "It is called Pure Azure Energy."

Johnny: "Pure Azure Energy, huh? Kinda reminds me of Kiriya-honey. But, to think that your sister's power is not compatible with Ao Quanta..."

Naoto: "That means your sister is incapable of becoming one with the Gundam, nor becoming Gundam herself like the other idols did."

The Ninja: "Unfortunately, that is the case. She needs her own robot. I think she used to have one, but its existence is a big question mark. None have ever seen it, and neither does she know if it still exists or not."

Johnny: "Hmm, that is an issue."

Naoto: "Although, I did notice Ao Quanta's shield binder reconfigured itself into a wing backpack when your sister piloted it. What happened there?"

Johnny: "Perhaps that was a hint as to how her mobile suit looks like?"

The Ninja: "That might be the case. Wait a second, don't tell me you're planning to get Futuring Girl to build her a Gundam."

Johnny: "Eh? Well, that kinda crossed my mind."

The Ninja: "You can't be serious. There's no way they will be able to finish it in such a short amount of time, especially not in this situation where divine forces are trying to strike at us. I mean, my sister's preferred robot is UNLIKE anything Aoi-san has ever piloted before."

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