CHAPTER 02 : Trial of Grudge

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This chapter features an unrealistic and inaccurate representation of a court session, mostly referenced from the Ace Attorney series. This was done because I have barely any knowledge as to how an actual court works in real life. If you readers feel that something's off with this chapter, that is why. Hope you'll understand.


Shortly after HAVOC Commander is taken away by the police...

Kii: "Hey... can't we... do anything about this?"

Iris: "I wish I could, but..."

Seira: "This is the authority we're dealing with! We have no power against them!"

Tiara: "No power, you said? Wasn't Iris the 19th Angel with mysterious powers?! My folks told me about that!"

Iris: "You mean using my power to stop them from arresting HAVOC Commander? You can't be joking, Headmistress! I would end up getting branded as a criminal, too!"

Tiara: "Ugh, no..."

Kii: "Still, though, this is messed up! Commander saved the world from CKN! Why would they arrest him?!"

Wendy: "Don't tell me... my uncle's fears became reality!"

Seira: "You mean about someone trying to overthrow Commander? But, again, why?"

Iris: "If we can go to wherever police station they took Commander to, we might find some answers. But we don't know yet as to which police station they're taking him to."

Tiara: "I fear we may have to wait until they bring him to the court. Only then can we find him and then try to get him freed."

Wendy: "I see..."

Iris: "At this point, there's nothing we can do."

Disappointed, the Four Devas leave the stage building alongside Tiara.


Later, at Wendy's house...

Wendy arrives home, finding her uncle Naliputra alongside her parents at the living room.

Wendy: "I'm home. Ah, Uncle, you're here."

Naliputra: "Oh, Wendy. You saw what happened, I presume."

Wendy: "Yes, Commander got arrested by the police. And we couldn't do anything."

Naliputra: "I can't believe my fears became a reality. Our company leader getting overthrown..."

Wendy hugs Naliputra.

Wendy: "It's not your fault, Uncle."

Wendy's dad: "This is definitely a serious problem. We've heard about how HAVOC Commander essentially became a hero by defeating CKN alongside his other self and his idol friends..."

Wendy's mom: "...then why should he be arrested?

Wendy: "I don't know. The police said it was for him murdering Ryan. But, why? Wasn't Ryan the bad guy who caused all these?"

Naliputra: "Us Indonesians should've known that. And yet..."

Wendy's mom: "There has to be someone behind all these."

Naliputra: "Big sis is right. But... who?"

Wendy's mom: "Anyway, Wendy, you probably don't have lunch yet. I have some sayur bayam on the dining table."

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