GILDED IRON | out now

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The Vye had taught them many things but most importantly; always burn the dead, never bury or else you may find yourself with deja vu.


Evren Beauregard knew her place in the fruit bowl of Halloran; obey, smile, fight. Gifted to the Immortal Court at aged five, she'd long since come to terms with the corruption of the world. She had gotten so marvellous at following orders, a steady soldier on a swirling carousel... That was, until he came. The deadly and elusive Adriel Bastian, Prince of Tarugon, betrothed to Evren's Princess Hyacinth.
It was never a conscious decision to fall for him, never a moment of revelation. It happened, a downward and deadly spiral each and every day that led her to the agonising realisation that she was not as happy in Halloran as she had made herself believe.
Her unwarranted love for him may just be the very thing to get her killed...

 Her unwarranted love for him may just be the very thing to get her killed

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