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Attarah was stood on a podium in the centre of the room, incredibly nervous. They were in a huge room of the castle with huge amounts of mannequins, racks, mirrors and sewing machines. She felt like she was at a bridal salon as about twelve dress bags hung on the rack. The dress maker was back and he was accompanied by two assistants. The drawings and ideas Attarah and Chelsea had decided had been sent off to him and he had created dresses accordingly. Today, they had to choose and fit one of the dresses and she was so nervous.

To ease her nerves slightly, her friends had joined her. Sat on the sofas were Felix, Demetri, Daniel, Vanessa, Miranda and Chelsea and they were all incredibly excited to get started. The man who was fitting each of the dresses, Louie, was also bouncing excitably, he had clearly been happy with the huge budget and was excited to be able to try out such extreme dresses. Despite the event only being for the Volturi members, there were hundreds of them and it would be a huge wedding, the kings couldn't have it any other way.

"Okay child. Let us begin." Louie clapped, each of her friends had a clip board with twelve numbers and boxes for them to score each of the dresses, it was a system that Chelsea was incredibly excited about and they all sipped at their wine impatiently as Attarah vanished into a side room with Louie and one of the assistants, Lily. The second he pulled the dress out of the bag, Attarah knew that this was not the dress. Of course it was stunning but she didn't get the right emotions when looking at it. As strange as that seemed, she felt like she needed to click with it. She would be married for eternity and she needed it to be perfect as it will be a day she'll remember forever. 

Nevertheless, she allowed the man to put the dress on her, it was absolutely huge but she didn't complain, Attarah knew that Chelsea wouldn't allow her to have a simple dress though she vowed that if they ever renewed their vows (which they surely would) she'd have a subtler dress. As requested, each dress was long sleeved to hide her recent scars but she'd have wanted a long sleeved dress even if she still had perfect skin. The brunette was slightly worried about the ugly scar on her face but had been promised numerous times that it would all be okay. The assistant helped her into her shoes and she looked into the mirror. These were not the shoes she'd be wearing, they were yet to be picked. She sighed, it was going to be an incredibly long day.

Attarah made her way over to the mirror and the podium, aware of each of the vampires sat scribbling on their paper and scrutinizing her. She found their seriousness incredibly amusing. She looked into the mirror before turning to her friends, "What do you think?"

"It's gorgeous" Vanessa started though her face was hesitant "But it's just not... you. It looks too over the top that it takes away from the elegance. You're elegant" she reiterated and the others nodded.

"I like this" Attarah pointed to the lace that was in beautiful designs before putting her hands on her waist "But it don't think it clings enough here and I think it's too low cut" she sighed and the others all nodded along eagerly before putting up a paddle, all of them said 'NO', Attarah felt that Chelsea had gone a bit over the top with choosing the dress, it felt like a scene from a movie but she was happy that she'd have the memory.

This continued for a long time, she'd gone through so many dresses and she was getting incredibly worried. She didn't want to just settle for a dress but there were only two left. Finally, as they unzipped the second to last bag, she gasped. Her hands covered her mouth as she looked at it, it was stunning. It was everything she ever wanted and more. It was extravagant but the train wasn't so long that she'd be tripping over it every five minutes, it was puffy but brushed the floor at just the right point that she'd be able to dance in it. Louie was incredibly happy with her reaction and helped her into it instantly. They were all made to her size but still needed altering to sit perfectly on her body. Attarah stepped into the heels but before stepping out she turned to the assistants. 

"Can we add a veil?" she whispered, hoping the others were talking and didn't catch what she said. The assistants nodded excitably before helping to pull her hair into a bun and put the veil in place. It was handmade and beautiful, it had gorgeous flowers of the Kings choosing all over the ends. They had not known why she was suddenly asking them what flowers they liked but they answered none the less.

"Whoa" the female assistant squealed in excitement before opening the door and allowing Attarah to step out, the beautiful girl headed out and received gasps from the all. She stepped onto the podium and they all clapped and cheered, thrusting the 'YES' paddle in the air all round. Miranda suddenly started to cry and Attarah fanned her face so as to not join her. She failed. 

"This is the one Atty" Felix smirked and made his way over to her. "Should we check you can dance in it?" he wondered with a smirk and she nodded as the veil was removed and she took Felix's hand, needless to say, she could dance perfectly. Having finally found the dress, everything felt so much more real and the humans excitement grew massively. She could not wait to marry the loves of her life.

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