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"You're all too fast" Attarah pouted as she ducked under a large leaf hanging from a tropical tree, the three kings were trekking ahead of her in the dense foliage and she had been complaining the whole walk whilst they chuckled, her floppy sunhat having been stolen and now it rested on Aro's head. Attarah groaned and ran forward, jumping onto Marcus' back as he chuckled loudly and locked his arms around her, all of them suddenly exchanging glances before racing through the trees, jumping off a nearby waterfall as Attarah screamed loudly in slight fear and slight amusement. They soon landed in the ice cold water, it bubbling around them. 

Aro grabbed his wife by the waist, pulling her up out of the water as she coughed and spluttered before laughing loudly as she saw Aro's hair stuck to his face, caught in his eyelashes. "Hey" Aro chuckled and tickled her as she laughed. "Catch" Aro winked and threw her, the brunette squealing as she landed in Marcus' arms, said man pulling them back under the water.


"You can do better than that" Marcus chuckled as he beat her at a game of chess for the eighth time, she groaned loudly and rolled over onto her back on the sand, allowing the sun to beat down on her face. Marcus chuckled at her before looking down at her upside down face, leaning low and kissing her passionately. The girl giggled and propped herself up onto her knees facing him, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss considerably before she growled and they were airborne.

Attarah giggled as she felt the soft blankets of her bed on her back, the pair having flown through the glass patio doors that were now locked with the curtains pulled across. 

"You are stunning wife" he winked. 

"Says you husband" she laughed loudly before squealing as he unclasped her bikini top, said squeal was drowned out as he kissed her passionately once more. 


"It's too hot" Attarah groaned, she was wearing only an emerald green bikini and sunglasses, Aro's hat perched on her head. She was lying between the legs of the aforementioned king who wore only shorts, her warm tanned body was pressed flush to his chest. The pair of them were reading a book together, it in her hands whilst Aro was stroking her sides gently. 

"Hmm, you are" he winked and she gasped in shock, not expecting that to come from Aro, turning over in his arms to face him, she bumped the book gently against his chest and he laughed victoriously, grabbing the book and tossing it over his shoulder to land in the sand not too far away. Wrapping his left arm around her waist, he pulled her face close to his with his right hand and pressed their lips together passionately, tongues colliding. Attarah gasped in shock once more as she felt his hand trail down her body and beneath the fabric of her bikini shorts. 

"Aro" she moaned as his cold hand played with her and her eyes slammed shut, teeth biting his lip.


"No Atty, No" Caius laughed in slight amusement and annoyance from where they lay on the picnic blanket, food spread out all around them and she was offering him a cupcake whilst he protested.  Winking at him before suddenly faining innocence, she dropped the cupcake, icing smearing down his bare chest as he gasped in shock. Caius looked down at himself with wide eyes before she pushed him down with the palms of her hands on his shoulders. She leant over him and licked the icing off from just above his belly button to the top off his chest. "Hmm" he chuckled as she straddled his chest, leaning down and pressing her lips to his before sitting up. 

"What to do with you" Caius sang to himself and she frowned in confusion before she suddenly found her body pressed flush to the sand. She watched in shock as Caius took a mouth full of her ice cold water, sucking ice cubes into his mouth and she instantly began trying to get away, crawling on the sand before he grabbed her ankles and pulled her back, flipping her over onto her back as she squealed.

The blond king leant down and deposited the mouthful of ice onto her torso, she shivered violently with a yelp and he merely laughed as he leant over and rolled the ice over her flesh with his tongue as she shivered beneath him. 

"I love you" he smiled innocently as she glared playfully and shivered at him.


"Yes!" Marcus cheered in victory as they played two a side volleyball just within the shade of the trees beside the beach, a large net made of rope strung between the two teams attached to trees , Marcus and Attarah on one side and Aro and Caius on the other. The vampires neglecting to use their enhanced abilities. 

"Get it Baby" Caius chuckled at her as he knocked the ball back across the net, she did so instantly, not being as clumsy as her older sister. The game continued for a while, Aro looking as though he was having the worst time of his life whilst the others were cheering and getting properly into It, Marcus and Caius arguing a few times over who deserved the points and who was cheating. 

"Go on love" Marcus winked at her and she hopped up onto his back quickly, knocking the ball back across the net and scoring a point whilst Caius protested like a sore loser. 

"That's not fair"

"It is too" Marcus retaliated and Attarah looked over at Aro who shot a smirk her way, walking confidently over to her and grabbing her, slinging her over his shoulder before sprinting with her over to the sea, running head long into it as she laughed, seeing Marcus and Caius follow after them, splashing into the water as Aro dropped her into the blue abyss. 

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