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Attarah awoke disoriented, she didn't know where she was and she stumbled through the castle, unaware of the time or the place she was at, eventually she bumped into a person and the force knocked her to the ground, she merely lay there, unable to move, she hadn't eaten in days and her body was wrestling fatigue.

"Mistress Attarah" she looked up to see Felix standing worriedly above her, when she didn't move, he began to worry that he'd killed her but she heard her heartbeat so he lifted her limp body and ran as fast as his limbs would carry him into the throne room.

The kings jumped up the moment they saw her limp body, Marcus took her in his arms and cradled her as he sat back on his throne, the other two crowding near.

"Whats wrong with her? She's been acting odd, disappearing and crying and now this? Isabella and the Cullen boy said that she was a happy person, this is the exact opposite" Caius informed, more like ranted.

"Let's wait for her to wake up and ask her ourselves" Aro spoke and Jane emerged the girl seemed sad and the masters wondered why.

"What's wrong Jane?"

"I know what's wrong with her"

"What is it?"

"She's lonely, the three of you leave and she has nothing to do except wallow in her thoughts, her brain can't cope with being alone in a new place, she subconsciously tried finding  places that reminded her of home but when she finally did, it broke her further, she blanks out for hours and remembers nothing, she feels all alone" nobody in the room knew what to say to Jane's verdict and none questioned it, Jane was close to the girl, she'd watched the girl read for hours.

"What do we do?" Caius queried.

"Show her that she's important, she's been here for five days and hasn't even been introduced to the guard, you said you wouldn't lock her away but instead you've locked her out" Heidi chipped in and everyone plunged into silence, with the threat if the Romanians lurking, everyone had been on high alert, working endlessly and none took time to acknowledge the new family member.

"Why is she like this?" Marcus asked, glancing down at his sleeping angel.

"She hasn't eaten or slept in days" Heidi replied, she knew of the eating situation as she'd spoken to the kitchen staff.

"How often do humans eat?" Aro asked, tines had changed since he was human, it was over a thousand years ago, he couldn't even remember his old eye colour or his mothers name, memories of human years faded with time.

"Three meals a day"

"She's only had half a meal since she arrived"

"Should we call a doctor?" Alec suggested as he nibbled on his lower lip.


The kings occupied Aro's quarters, their mate slept soundly upon the bed, the doctor had been and gone and they were now left alone with their thoughts. Though, that was all cut off when they heard a gasp.

All the kings looked over to see their mate sat on the bed, gasping and crying, Caius was the first to reach her and pull her into his arms as she gasped.

"It's okay, it's all okay. I've got you" he whispered to her and her face crinkled in pain as she sobbed, Aro opened his arms and she stumbled into them, shivering like crazy, Marcus grabbed a blanket for her and they all sat on the bed with her bundled up between them.

"I'm sorry" she sobbed into Marcus's shoulder. The oldest brother just held her tighter.

"Never be sorry, you are okay, everything is fine"

"I left the castle"

"We know."

"Are you mad at me?" She queried Caius but the blond instantly denied, his hand cupping her satin smooth cheek and caressing it gently.

"I could never be mad at you, you were lucky this time Darling, the doctors say you will be fine but you need to be careful, you haven't eaten or slept properly in days, you can't allow yourself to gt like this." Caius explained the situation and she nodded.

"I miss you" she spoke softly and they all sighed, exchanging looks.

"Attarah" Aro lifted her up and sat her on his lap so her legs were on either side of his and their faces close. "We are trying to make time to see you but there are large situations going on right now, we are doing the best we can" she nodded, she didn't want to make them angry so she just higher Aro to her, thinking about everything.

"We don't even know each other* she whispers and the others frown.

" that doesn't change how we feel about you, over time we will find out everything there's to know and when that time comes, we'll get ever closer." Marcus smiled to her and she grinned in return, her nose crinkling adorably.

"Let's start with our names?"

"Attarah Elizabeth Annabella Swan" she infirmed and they all smiled, it was as beautiful as her.

"Where did the name Attarah come from?"

"My grandmother found it when she was looking over our family tree, as did she find my other two names and Bella's."

"They are beautiful"

"Thank you"

"Where does your eye colour cone from?" Caius queried, he'd seen her father st the wedding and his eyes were dark brown.

"My mother"

"I didn't see her at the wedding."

"She isn't my biggest fan"

"Why ever not?"

"She blames me for ruining her relationship with Charlie, says they er happy when Bella was born but I ruined it"

"That's hardly fair."

"Its true"

"Don't the lies about yourself sweetheart, you are exceptionally perfect in every way imaginable" ari informed with love glinting in his iris's.

"Now who lies?"

"You do not believe us?" Caius asked.

"I trust you, I just cannot possibly believe the words you speak."

"Why not?"

"Because i know I am none of the things you claim I am"

"We shall make you believe" Marcus chipped in and she smiled...

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