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Chapter 81 - I'll Be Good

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Chapter 81 - I'll Be Good

It had been the best of times

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It had been the best of times. Yet now, in an instant. It had become the worst of times. A single sheet of paper had changed the entire fate of her emotions. Very few words in dark ink had shoved a pin through her warm beating heart, it had sliced through her fantasy, reality washing upon her flesh like electrically charged rain. It travelled along her flesh like a match meeting gasoline.

'Dear Atty'

The fears of all of her nightmares pooled viciously like a knife severing a vein.

'I am sorry that the first you hear from me in a year and a half has to be this way'

The scratchy writing had improved since the last she saw it her apple green eyes traced the letters she knew so well. The letters she'd seen for years sprawled on the notepad by the phone and clipped with a magnet to the fridge.

'I don't know how to tell you what you must be told'

Her veins burned and ached but her flesh froze, the little hairs of the peach fuzz shivering like trees in a gale.

'I suppose all I can do is go out and say is Atty. It's dad.'

Any explicit mention of the warm, caring man she loved so well was enough to induce a warming sensation within her but the note was confirmation to her heart that all was not well.

'He is incredibly unwell Attarah'

The writing had changed. It was sleeker, cursive and beautiful. Edward. She presumed her sister had not been able to complete what must be stated. And that hurt her heart. From the words written, her heart dropped into the acid of her stomach before lurching into her throat leaving a bitter taste in her mouth and deeming her incapable of speech.

'I'm so sorry Tara'

It was Bella again with another childhood nickname.

'I should not have waited so long to speak with you, nor should I have sent you away from him. Charlie is hurting Attarah. We don't know how long he has left. Please. You must come. You must visit.'

The idea of seeing her father was incredible to her but she feared it, she had abandoned the man who loved her so greatly, who raised her so perfectly.

' Attarah, he needs you... I need you. We need to be a family again. Even for one last time. '

Then the numbness of trauma took over. She could only wish he would forgive her but she was not sure how he ever could.

'It's cancer Attarah'

Edward again, delivering the worst of words. Cancer. It would be a horror that delivered her father to heaven. It was in that moment that any care for what the kings said escaped her. She would visit her father and nothing anyone said would prevent it. She would see him and she would spend time with him.

She had years to spend with the kings, eternity. But her father was slipping away and she couldn't enable herself to allow it to occur.

'I hope you arrive soon. I know we have much to talk about. But right now we must put it past us... For dad.'

The last of the words were delivered and the pain of Isabella practically rained all over the single sheet.

'I love you Atty. I'll see you soon little sister.'

And Attarah vowed that she would see her older sister soon. However angry she currently was, nothing would prevent her from visiting her father.


A plan already formed in her head, the cogs turning. In a perfect world she would bring Charlie here but she knew she would not be able to remove him from the forest of Forks that he held so dear.


Every memory, moment, second of joy they'd experienced was experienced there. In that house. She knew he'd never join the vampire world but she needed to be there to hold his hand as the angels delivered him to God.


She never thought she'd be prepared to see her sister again but now her sister and Charlie were all she needed, all she wanted. The kings, her friends, The Cullen's, The wolves. All flew from her mind as she focused on her desire to be beside her little family. The little family that had once been her whole universe.

Attarah stood, dropped the letter into the lap of Marcus and left. Her body was numb, she did not feel the pressure of the boots on her feet as she walked, nor the texture of her jumper as it chafed against her. She did not notice the feeling of a lock of hair falling in her eyes, locking with her lashed. She did not notice the cold of the castle or the hundreds of doors that passed her by, the vampires who nodded at her. She did not even notice when a warm salty tear splashed from her right eye  drizzling down her cheek and tracing the length of her jaw.

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