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Attarah awoke and glanced around, she knew the date better than ever before. Though she was not aware of the location of her mates. Today was her birthday, and it also happened to be the day she went on holiday with Caius. They were to be traveling somewhere warm, that was the extent of her knowledge but it didn't sit right with her. In the middle of December, it was supposed to be cold.

Heading down the many stone steps of the castle, she passed many guards and servants. The castle was alive with movement, people clasped robes and dresses, tying back their hair and preparing though she knew not what for. Entering the throne room, her mates sat upon their thrones seemingly high and mighty though they melted at her gaze.

"Good morning dear one" Aro smiled and she returned it cutely. She had came to the realization in the early hours of the morning that the men had forgotten her birthday. Though she somewhat appreciated it. That was the way she thought it intended to be. Taking a seat in Caius' lap, she snuggled into his chest, still tired.

"Urgent business has occurred gorgeous one." Caius began "for your birthday we had planned a great ball, however it has unfortunately been delayed. I hope you can forgive us" her eyes snapped up in shock. she was not prepared for them to have remember though with near eidetic memories, she shouldn't have been surprised.

"I thought you'd forgotten" she spoke, casting her eyes downwards towards her lap and breathing in softly before looking up apologetically through lashes.

"Never my love" Caius corrected and placed a hand to her chin, tilting her fave upwards so their lips met perfectly. He smiled in happiness as he felt warmth pass through him along with a burn in his throat which he savoured. It meant she was near.
"We leave soon"

"Can't you tell me where we're going?" She pleaded and he winked at her, a sign which indicated his lips were sealed. Standing, she brushed off her clothes and travelled back up the long flights of stairs to change once more for the days adventures. Finding Miranda at the foot of her bed with a pile of clothes and a tray of food, she smiled. Receiving a wink from her private guards she giggled and they dispersed to their previous locations.

"Today shall be good" Miranda informed, her English was improving due to the aid and guidance of Attarah. At any point, if Miranda used English incorrectly, Attarah would correct her and in return...Miranda was teaching Attarah how to speak Italian with startling progress, Attarah had gotten the hang of key vocabulary and could understand most conversations people had, her speaking however required work still.

Attarah adored the face that she knew what the kings were saying yet they did not know that she knew. Sometimes she'd house a secret smile yet somehow they were still oblivious. Miranda twisted Attarahs hair upwards tightly to a position where it would likely remain without upset for a couple of days of not touched but Attarah tended to fiddle.

"Are you excited?"

"Of course I am, I'm sure my holiday with Caius will be amazing" she giggled and Miranda smirked knowingly. "I don't suppose you could-" she was cut off.

"-I am under strict orders to not say a word about the location of your holiday. Wait a few hours and I'm sure you'll know. " Miranda charted like a mother and tapped Attarahs shoulder, indicating that she had finished fixing her hair.

"Thanks Miranda" the future vampire spoke softly before being allowed to leave the chair and wonder around the chambers, devouring the food she smeared the freshly painted makeup upon her face which allowed her to receive a glare from her handmaiden.

"Sorry. "

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