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The future queen, Attarah waltzed along the garden path, leaves catching in her dress and wing dancing with her hair, the heels of her shoes clicking rhythmically, with Miranda smiling at her side. Flowers and grasses grew on either side of the trail they tracked.

"King Marcus requested your company in the library later today your grace" the sweet handmaiden informed as they walked, Attarah finally glanced up from her fascination with Tue flowers, a smile painted upon her lips.

"Is there a specific time?"

"After they finish their meeting" the women informed as they continued to walk, finally they reached a gazebo, a iron frame table and chairs placed beneath the shaded cool.

"Take a seat" Attarah smiled softly as she sat herself, turning to her right and picking a red flowers from the vine that grew to her right, slowly she picked more, twisting the stems into a green halo until finally, a beautiful red flower crown had formed.

"That is very pretty" Miranda informed as the princess began to slot white flowers into the gaps to form a beautiful array of colour.

"It is for you" Attarah smiled softly and stood, placing it upon the lady's head and twirling the curls around the vines until it was positioned neatly within an arc of hair, braided and elaborately gorgeous.

"Thank you, my lady"

"You look beautiful" Attarah complimented and rows of roses bloomed along the precious handmaidens cheeks, as vibrant as the halo above her curls. "Come, let us find my kings, their meeting had finished" Attarah giggled and pulled her new friend to stand before running away with Miranda in tow.

The kings finally exited the execution of a gentlemen who'd created twin immortal children and they were emotionally strained and in slight pain, they took the time to walk the grounds and relax.

As they turned onto a row of white roses, they heard the sound of heels crushing gravel and loud bubbly giggles, one they recognized, the other not so much. Finally they found the source, watching their beauty run down a row of lily flowers beside the pond, dressed wonderfully and looking like a fairytale princess.

"My kings" she giggled as she spotted them, running over and jumping into Aro's arms, who juts so happened to be the closest, she beamed happily and pressed a kiss to his lips as the other men smiled in affectionate greeting.

"Well hello there" Aro chuckled as he finally pulled away, placing his future queen on her feet once more as Miranda emerged, out of breath and wearing a beautiful fresh flower crown that they hadn't seem previously.

"You must slow down your grace, you may hurt yourself" the girl stressed as she regained breath, staring at Attarah who's chest was heaving also, either from the run or the kiss, none were sure.

"I'm okay" Attarah hiccupped and hugged Caius in her arms softly, her face turning to bury into his white locks, her hands instantly stroking through the soft hair.

"Are you sure my love?" Marcus questioned as he took her in his arms, feeling her chest rapidly rising against him as they embraced.

"I'm okay"

"You may be excused Miranda though please head to the kitchens and inform the staff that Attarah shall be eating her lunch out here with us" Aro informed and Miranda bowed with a nod.

"Thank you master" she smiled though avoided eye contact before taking Attarah unto a hug which she initiated and bidding farewell.

"Come along dear" Aro smiled and linked arms with his queen, escorting her across the garden to a open green patch, a blue patchwork picnic blanket stretched open across it.

"Who did this?" Their mate gasped as she sat on the ground, her dress spreading out around her, the kings soon sitting also.

"Well it was my idea but they agreed" Marcus informed as he sat to her right, Caius sat to her left leaning on his arm that was placed behind her. The girl shifted and cuddled into him.

"Here master" Jane approached, handing her kings a large wicker basket before disappearing as though she had never been there in the first place.

"We weren't sure what you liked...." Caius trails doff gently as he opened the basket with his free hand.

"So we got some of everything" Aro informed with a happy smile.

"I can't eat all that" she gasped as Marcus unloaded the basket before tossing it yo the side.

"We don't expect you too" Caius chuckled and glanced around at the plates.

"But we do want you to wat enough, we've looked up the appropriate portion size for your age and we shall be checking!" Aro infirmed steely though softly and she looked down with a nod.

"Do not be put off by Aro princess, he tends to be a bit overbearing" Caius chuckled.

Caius took a strawberry, placing it to his mates lips, Attarah bit into the juicy fruit and colour splashed along her already crimson lips. Caius pulled back the strawberry and allowed her to swallow the mouthful she had before leaning in a kissing her softly.

"Mm, delicious" he purred and she giggled softly, taking his face in her hands and kissing him with more force until lipstick and strawberry essence covered his lips. The little beauty giggled mischievously at his painted lips and flopped backwards hysterically, laying across Marcus' lap.

Caius chuckled and wiped his lips in a handkerchief and she played with the buttons on Marcus' jacket absentmindedly.

"Thank you for spending time with me"

"No. Thank you for spending time with us" Aro smiled, distinctly happier than he was at the trial.

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