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Bella Cullen searched the crowds, her wedding dress grazing the floor, she attempted to push through the hordes of people who congratulated her but they were undeniable. Edward gripped his wife's hand and gently tugged her in the correct direction, directly over to their siblings.

Jasper and Alice were hugging in the corner, the new vegetarian vampire focusing on his wife's scent so as to not slaughter the crowds. Emmett was congratulating Rosalie on not messing up the piano chords whilst she rolled her eyes and Attarah stood silently, twirling her flowers in her hands, silently wondering if she'd ever have a wedding and if her older sister would be able to attend.

"Atty" Edward smiled and hugged her gently, they were siblings now, the copper haired Cullen was still slightly irritated about being unable to read her or Bella's minds but after a year and a half, he'd gotten used to it.

"Hello brother" the small girl cheered and Edward chuckled, glad she was happy but he couldn't help but wonder (as he often did) if her happiness was true, he found it impossible that one person could be happy every hour of the day yet she was and that made him assume that she was faking her happiness.

"Atty" Bella pulled her into a bone crushing hug and the smaller brunette smiled sweetly, her green gaze glistening as she returned the affection.

"Let's get this party started" Emmett hollered and many people around them laughed, others tutted and others completely ignored his presence.

"Come on lil' sis" Emmett grabbed Attarahs hand and span her around three times perfectly and she giggled her harmonious tune.

"Let's go" Edward laughed and wrapped his arm around his new wife.

The speeches progressed and it was soon Attarahs turn to take the stage, she did so with caution, not wanting to do so but knowing Bella would appreciate it.

"I don't know how to begin to describe the pride I feel for my sister who achieved everything she always wanted" she began "as children, we'd always discuss, as children do, the prosperity of marriage and Bella always persisted that she'd find her prince charming and I'm proud to says she did" she smiled happily, only speaking to her sister.

"Edward, you are everything a brother should be and I'm proud to say that now you are mine, I know you will be the husband Bella deserves and I hope you both get everything you want from life. But Bella, you just be you, I love you sister" she raised her champagne and everyone cheered as she exited the stage.

"That was beautiful" Bella complimented with tears in her eyes as Attarah reclaimed her seat beside Isabella.

"I made it up on the spot" the brunette whispered to her sister and both Bella and Edward laughed.

Attarah stood to the side of the dance floor between Rose and Alice, the three bridesmaids smiling to one another while they watched the new married couple dance.

"One day you'll have love like that" Alice nudged Attarah but the brunette frowned and shook her head, causing both vampires to exchange looks, Attarah was always happy, they'd never seen her without a smile in her face.

"You will...oh look, the volturi have arrived" Rose informed, knowing that Alice played a role in their dramatic entrance, the three kings dressed in perfectly tailored suits and contacts, watching the happy people.

"Atty, let me introduce you" Bella grabbed her sisters hand as the song changed, tugging the girl through the crowd without waiting for an answer.

"There's the bride" Aro smiled like a child as he saw Bella, though he failed to notice the small brunette standing behind the brunette.

"Hello, Aro" Bella smiled tightly and pulled her sister forward, watching as all three kings assessed her with wide eyes, she was their mate, they had only came to the wedding to collect her. "This is my sister, Attarah" Bella introduced and Atty smiled her infectious smile, watching as the kings smiled along.

"It is a pleasure to meet you miss swan" Aro held his hand out for a shake but when she put her hand in his, he brought it to his lips and kissed it delicately, sending tingles up her arm and raising goosebumps on her flesh.

"Hello Aro" he sighed softly at her voice, it was like melted honey, Marcus and Caius joined them and smiled at the girl.

"My name is Caius" the blond male introduced and kissed the girls hand also, more tingles emerging, she frowned slightly, angry with herself that she was feeling this way over two different men. Though, her inner anger increased when she found herself attracted to the third king also, Marcus who introduced himself with a kiss to the back of the hand.

"Excuse me momentarily?" It was more of a question, she waited for them to nod before walking away, knowing Edward and Bella were following her.

"Atty?" They called as one and Edward caught her wrist, swinging her around.

"What's happening to me?" She asked Edward, looking directly into his golden eyes, she felt a tug in her chest, making her want to go back over to the kings.

"I'm sorry Atty, and no matter what, remember we all love you" he rushed out and she saw the other Cullen's crowd around, strengthening her previous assumption of suspicion.

"What's happening?" She requestioned.

"You just be you" Bella said to Attarah, tears in the brides eyes, before the small brunette could question anything, darkness consumed her. Bella and her new family gasped in shock as they watched Felix lift the youngest bridesmaid into his strong arms, he gave them a small nod before turning and walking away...

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