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My head was fuzzy, pain surrounded my entire brain, it felt as though someone and ripped my brain out and shoved it in a vice, tightening it with every second that passed. I could feel the blood rushing in my veins, attempting to flow along the dry tubes within me, I had been emptied and filled once more with a foreign blood. The red that they had given me was not my own. I felt stiff mattresses, sticky covers and scratchy blankets.

As the seconds passed, I only found myself feeling more and more discomfort, my eyes forced to open but my arm would more, I felt around, I moved my hand to my neck where the pain was concentrated and my fingers brushed what should be soft skin and was now covered in a fabric gauze that made my skin crawl, like running your fingernails along a dry wet wipe and feeling your body cringe.

I felt the edge of the bandage and went to rip it off, I utterly hated the uncomfortable texture upon my skin but before I could pull it only slightly, an icy hand grabbed my own. Finally my eyes were permitted to open and I found Caius before me. He had a solemn expression upon his features and I couldn't help the frown that came upon mind.

"Caius?" my voice was cracked and dry, as though it hadn't been allowed to touch water for a long time.

"Attarah" he responded in a near whisper as tears filled his eyes. He floundered for a moment before pulling me into a hug, and as he did all the memories flashed through me. As much as I didn't want to believe I had been hurt by a vampire, I had been and they were vampires but I couldn't blame Caius. The love that held me had done no wrong. He was perfection. They all were.
My darkened shadowy perfections.

"I'm okay" I told him in the strongest voice I could muster, somehow knowing that that was what he needed to hear, he needed to know that I was okay to mend his heart. He held me closer and I did not mind, no pain I felt could take away from the love I had in my heat during that moment. He was here, he still loved me despite the words I'd hollered in the library.

"I love you Attarah" he whispered.

"I love you more Caius"

"That is not possible."

"I think it is"

Just as we bickered over our mutual love for one another, the door opened and I hoped to see Aro before me but found Marcus instead. Of course I loved his presence and was so happy to see him in front of me but it was crucial that I spoke to Aro. I knew he'd be giving himself a hard time about what happened.

"Marcus" I tried to squeeze with excitement but sounded wheezy and dry, like a desert as I spoke. It irritated me that I couldn't make sounds that usually came so easily to me. "Join us?" I decided to whisper, that way I sounded somewhat normal to me own ears.

"Attarah, we must all go away soon. We shouldn't be more than two days but It's important that you know." Marcus informed her.

"And you think now is the best time to tell me that? What business are you going away on and which guards remain here?" she asked, Marcus did not wish to distress her but had no option but the truth in the current situation.

"Calm my love, all is fine."

"you shall remain here with a few guards. They will be low ranking but if you wish, felix or Demetri could stay also?" his voice indicated that he did not at all want that, "we shall leave and when we return, we shall bring you back to Italy but at the present it is unsafe"

"What business is it? For all the guards to be leaving and for me to be banished from Italy on safety grounds."

"You aren't banished" Caius chuckled. "it's merely a precaution. The business is urgent"

"What is the case?"

"well-" Marcus began.

"I hardly think it necessary to discuss this at the present moment brother. Not within Attarahs situation." Caius cut across in a stern voice.

"no, tell me. I don't care what predicament you think I'm in, I think I should know what is occurring."

"a very powerful coven has created an  immortal child" Marcus informed me and i frowned for a moment.

"An immortal child?" they nodded "A coven turned a baby into a vampire?" I was a shocked when they nodded a second time. "How... Cruel, surely that means the child cannot grow?"

"indeed. The child becomes frozen at the stage of development which it is in which makes it impossible to be taught. There are tales of immortal children slaughtering entire villages. They are dangerous as they cannot be taught" Caius gives me a brief history lesson.

"but...what are you going to do to the child? And the coven?" i questioned in worry.

"they child and the creator have to die, the child cannot be allowed to live as it will cause immense harm and the creator must be punished and stopped from repeating their actions"

"But vampires can't have children. I understand why someone could do such a thing. You're going to kill a child? At what age do they stop becoming a threat?"

"it is hard business Attarah but it has to be done. It's our job to protect our race against the humans. There are enough of them to destroy us. I hope in time you grow to accept the laws we put in place. They're all for safety. And to answer your question, we usually allow them to live if they are older than ten, allowing they have control . Though usually they are about twelve or thirteen. Jane and Alex were turned at fourteen yet you do not notice. "

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