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Two weeks had passed since Attarah had been found and things were slowly beginning to return to normal. The kings were treating her like a queen and she felt so incredibly grateful to have them. For the past few days she had been planning something huge to show her appreciation for them. The guards were slowly becoming aware of her plans though she had only told a trusted few as she needed them to keep their minds blocked in order for it to work. She had decided that life was far too short to waste without them. Attarah did not want to spend even another second of her life without them. 

Attarah entered the bedroom of Aro with a smile, finding him sat at his desk rifling through paperwork. One thing she was missing from the kings was intimacy, they had given her affection but refused to go further in the worry of causing her pain. She felt so much better, her wounds were healing incredibly and she just wanted them. Attarah stared at him and he suddenly looked up and beamed, she forced her mind to remain closed from him as he made his way to her. She did not want him to see her thoughts and although she didn't have as much of a barrier as Bella, she could still inhibit him from entering her thoughts. 

"Hello" she cooed and her hands went to the back of his neck, he chuckled down at her with a smile. He could not explain how incredibly happy he was to see that she was healing and getting better. She soon slammed their lips together, fortunately her busted lip had not taken very long to heal and she could now kiss him to her hearts content. The little brunette walked toward her lover before his legs hit the bed and they both fell, the raven haired king made somewhat of a cage with his arms to protect her and she was barely jostled, their lips remaining sealed. 

"How are you darling?" he asked with a smirk, knowing how frustrated she was becoming, he too was incredibly agitated also and it was definitely showing, he had sentenced a man to death at trial the previous day without even searching him to see if he could have a gift. 

"Aro" she cooed and he groaned at her, the way she looked at him through her eyelashes was enough to break him in that moment, she slowly rolled them over so she had her back to the mattress and he kissed her passionately for a long time, incapable of resisting. Soon she was ripping his clothes away from his body as he chuckled. The beautiful Swan girl looked at his chiselled chest, forever in awe at how gorgeous we truly was. The kiss merely grew in passion to the point where her clothes vanished onto the floor in ribbons alongside his own. His hands hoisted up her knee around his waist before he suddenly frowned and stopped, his forehead pressed against hers as he looked down and noticed the word carved into her flesh. 

"Attarah" he whispered but she merely shook her head with watery eyes, she did not want to talk about that. She had kept the scar hidden perfectly well from them and although Aro had seen it through her thoughts, he still felt horror rise within him to see the deep twisted word in her soft gentle skin. 

"It is okay.. please" she begged with passion in her eyes and after one more gentle trace of her broken flesh, his lips connected with hers once more, softly and carefully. 

"Does it hurt?" he wondered.

"Not anymore"

"You promise?" the pair looked into one anthers eyes and she smiled as she nodded at him. 

"I promise" their lips began to dance once more in a tango of passion and happiness.


Attarah took a deep breath as she descended the stairs of the palace, their plan was about to be set into motion and she was terrified of the outcome. She was currently dressed gorgeously in a huge red ball gown, it was long sleeved with twisting red vines snaking along the lace of her sleeves, tight at her waist and flowing perfectly out into a red stream that danced as she walked and brushed the floor. On her feet were matching heeled shoes, a Volturi pendant hanging from her neck and her hair had been done in an impeccable up-do. A tiara slid into her hair as she ventured, in her right hand sat a small velvet box. She was terrified. 

"You're scared?" a smirking Vanessa wondered from her right, they had convinced her as much as they could that it would all be okay but none of them knew what the outcome was going to be.

"Terrified" she corrected as they neared the throne room doors, they all knew the plan and she was ready. The trials had just ended and she could hear the kings chatting to one another up on the dais. 

"Good luck" the ginger smiled reassuringly and kissed her unscarred cheek once before vanishing. No amount of makeup would be able to cover it and she struggled to get used to the sight of her newly scarred face. Though that was not her main concern in that moment. She put her arm behind her back which contained the velvet box as the doors opened. The girl walked in confidently and was aware of Vampires scattering as she entered, all abandoning the room and making quite a show of it. She remained standing in the centre of the room as the doors finally closed once more and she was left all alone with her mates.

The kings all looked up in shock as they watched the guards leave, before them stood their mate looking stunningly gorgeous. Her heart was pounding in what they presumed to be fear though none of them could be certain as her face remained calm. 

"Attarah dear" Aro smiled. All three of them knew that something was about to happen due to the fact that she was so incredibly dressed up. She used to wear the long dresses and they loved it but she had slowly began to wear normal clothing. It was amazing to see her dressing like the Queen she was. "What can we do for you?" Aro wondered as he frowned, they all waited for her to speak and she made her way forward. 

"Over the past few weeks... I came to realise just how short human life is.. and I do not want to dwell on that thought any longer. The three of you have been absolutely incredible to me, you turned my life in a completely different direction to what I ever anticipated and I couldn't imagine what life would be like without the three of you... I never want to know. I want to be with you all forever and.., I am ready to begin our future together" she stated in a shuddering tone and her heart was fluttering like a humming birds wings. "Caius, Aro, Marcus" she continued though she could not look at them. Suddenly she dropped onto one knee at the bottom on the stairs. They had all thought she had fallen or was bowing, they could not tell as her dress obscured her knees but they knew her true intention as her right hand came from behind her back and within it was a small velvet box. 

"Will you marry me?" she wondered as the box opened to reveal three matching silver rings. 

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