Ouch (GK999)

144 9 30

Tw: Mentions of blood, mentions of war. 

(2,966 words I think.)

   GK999 blinked. Bright lights seemed to fill his vision, despite the clear lack of electricity in Minecraft. He let out a quiet hiss, it had been a while since the digitalzer had physically hurt to use, he had been beginning to think it wouldn't happen again. Next time he would not be so naive, you need shadows to see light, he should know that by now. Grimacing at his poor attempt to shift his own mood, he decided that clearing his brain was the best move to make now. Kicking his legs forwards, he struggled to stand up, only stumbling a bit more than was truly necessary. Once he regained his footing, he began shaking his head from side to side, letting the motion have the effect of clearing his brain of any fried cotton that metaphorically existed inside of it. But as the false particles dropped off of him, he noted his vision was still slightly blurry, humorlessly wondering if the shaking had lengthened the nausea's stay.

   He squeezed his blurry eyes shut, knowing that even though you couldn't do that while actually playing the game, it helped cure the effect faster than simply waiting around in your inventory. It wasn't quite as fast or effective as a bucket of milk, but because he didn't have any on him he knew that blinking rapidly was the best he was going to get. A few rather boring seconds passed, eyes shut and ears listening. Wind whipped through trees, a waterfall rushed over rocks, the soft sounds of distant mobs. He exhaled, hair gently lifting in the breeze, the strands he knew to be only slightly pixelated moving to the sounds of distant music. Ah Minecraft, how great it was to be back.

   Once he was certain that the nausea was gone, he opened his eyes, the right first, the left soon following. They instantly took in the world around him, sharp rays of sunshine cut through leaves, luckly none directly into his eyes. But even with that gentle blessing, something felt different than normal. Something was wrong. He frantically whipped his head to the left, but nothing seemed far enough off that he would be in immediate danger. Sure, he had never spawned in a place like this, but a spruce forest wasn't the most dangerous place in Minecraft. . . . He hoped.

   But still, he needed to figure out what was going on. He spun slowly, careful to take in his entire surroundings, several trees, some of them missing a few leaves or just one block of their trunk. He didn't miss that it was the easiest block for a user to take first thing in a new world. He also noticed several chickens, and a few randomly placed blocks of cobblestone, but what shocked him the most was a red stain on the edge of a grass block. If his instincts were right, this was not natural, not something that Mincraft should have. But it had to be something innocent right? A smudge of red dye maybe? Some misplaced redstone? But even as he tried to rationalise with himself, he crept closer. Curiosity holding his heart in her ice cold claws.

   But as he neared the spot, he began to feel sick to his stomach, the distinct smell of iron joyfully dancing on the breeze, much to Gameknight's dismay. What was going on? This shouldn't be possible! Blood- and he now admitted to himself that that was what the spot was- wasn't something in Minecraft! Sure, it might show up from time to time, but it would always disappear as fast as it came to be- Did he have a mod installed he forgot about? He racked his brain for any memory of such a thing. But he still came up empty handed, he couldn't think of or remember a reason why he would get such a thing! It's not that Jenny (Or Monet113, he reminded himself.) would download something like that either, if she were to get any mod, it would be some sort of origins thing that would let her be a zombie, or maybe a false cooking update. The only person that he could think of that might get a mod to specifically add blood would be his friend Shawny, and as far as GK knew, he didn't know his PC password. ("H3r0br1ne1s4Dumm4ss", he reminded himself, was not something he hoped would be easy to guess.) But as another breeze blew through the spruce trees, the scent of freshly spilt blood came back to him, and he was roughly forced to remember why he was thinking about Shawney in the first place.

GK999, The New Dream SMP MemberWhere stories live. Discover now