*cries* (GK999)

33 4 4

Tw: crying

2,309 words.

"Can he talk?" whispered the strange man, his eyes were still on GK, but he was definitely asking Phil the question. After Phil staring at him for a moment, the other man caught himself, adding, "Not in some rude way, it's totally fine if he can't I'm just wondering,"

Phil laughed at this and nodded, gesturing for GK to answer the question, "It's okay, Techno won't hurt you," Techno, that was his name. Gameknight wondered why it sounded so familiar. (Even ignoring the music style, he was certain that the word was used as a name by someone back home. Plus, he could have sworn that he had seen his sister draw this guy before. The dots were there, but he couldn't seem to connect them.)

So, instead of answering, Gameknight only shrugged, not knowing how to tell them where he came from. (And also still holding onto the fact that he should not give out personal information online.) There was a pause, Techno tilting his head to the side in annoyed confusion, and Phil blinking at GK with an only slightly worried shine in his eyes. Their eyes bored into him, and, though it was not on purpose, the User That is Not a User found the need to look away, face turning red with embarrassment as they stared.

His eyes flickered over the room again, taking in all the small details of the kitchen. There was a sink made of a cauldron and several bits of metal the GK knew were not in vanilla minecraft. He ignored it however, gazing out the window for a moment before remarking, "It's snowing,"

Techno made a sort of growling sound, though Gameknight couldn't tell if it was annoyed or amused. "You're deflecting," the man pointed out, gesturing towards the brown haired boy, "You aren't telling us where you're from."

Phil nodded, and added onto his friend's statement, "It's fine if you are uncomfortable, but it would be very helpful if you could answer the question." At this Gameknight grimaced, turning his gaze back to the table and letting it land on the spider under a cup. The sight made him queasy. Even though the arachnid was only about an inch and a half long, it was still scary. Though it could be the lack of hugeness that was scaring him. He wasn't afraid of spiders, they were by no means his favorite creature back home or in Minecraft, but in the game they only spawned at about three feet long. (A bit smaller for cave spiders though.) He had already known that this was not a normal Minecraft world, but the tiny spider only emphasised this. It was wrong.

It was then that he remembered that he was having a conversation."-I don't know why he's not talking, he was interacting with me just fine earlier," That was Phil. The brown haired boy looked up at his winged 'friend'. (They hadn't known each other long enough to be best buds yet.) The blond man was looking at Techno, who looked rather annoyed, as if he had some other things other than sitting at a table to do.

Gameknight was about to speak up when Phil turned to him, his blue eyes instantly widening at the sight of GK watching him. It was as if he had forgotten he was there while he talked about him. "I'm so sorry if I seemed rude," Phil tried, reaching out a hand before pulling it back. Maybe he had been going to put it on Gameknight's shoulder but changed his mind for some reason.

"It's fine," he whispered, internally working up the courage to explain his situation as he looked down at the floor. It was only a moment before he looked up again, stomach churning as he spoke. "I'm the User-That-Is-Not-A-User," he said.

Techno blinked before looking confusedly to Phil, but the winged man simply shook his head, looking just as lost as his friend. "Are we supposed to know what that means?" the man finally asked, but it wasn't the accusatory tone that Gameknight had expected. It was closer to one of curiosity, with just a twinge of annoyance under it's skin. But, even that extra shock didn't make him much more surprised to hear the words. Every NPC he had ever met had known was he was, and sure, maybe these NPCs didn't seem to know what an NPC was, and the entire world had felt off from the moment he had gotten here, but it didn't make much sense for them to not know of that prophecy.

GK999, The New Dream SMP MemberWhere stories live. Discover now