oH NO (GK999)

37 3 1

Tw: A bit of swearing, though it is mostly at the end. The rest of the swearing is sort of just the word "h*ll" sprinkled gently throughout the chapter.

(About 2,503 words.)

"How do you know my name?" He inwardly cringed at the shaking in his voice. Just a moment ago, the User That Is Not A User had whipped around at a voice from above. The other person had been holding a dark sword out in front of him (If GK wasn't mistaken, it was netherite, but that was not an ore found anywhere in the overworld, how did this... NPC have any?) and his face had been full of hope. But that look had vanished into one of disappointment as soon as GK spoke.

Maybe he wasn't the "Tommy" that this NPC was talking about. But what sort of NPC would even have that name? They were named things like "Cobbler" or "Hunter", that was just a fact of Minecraft.

"Oh I," the man sighed and turned away, "I thought you were someone I know, you aren't," but now Tommy was curious.

"Wait!" He yelped and quickly pulled out a stone shovel (he hadn't had enough iron to make an iron one) to dig up some dirt below the man. However, instead of falling into the small cave, the NPC appeared to lift into the air, landing a few blocks away. (It wasn't a jump, but he certainly hadn't stepped away.)

GK999 picked up the fallen dirt and built himself a quick pillar up. He had to catch up with this man, he needed to know what was going on, and this dude looked like a decent place to start. (He hadn't instantly tried to kill him that is, and with a server that is very obviously one you do not know, that might be the best you will get.)

"What's going on? What did you just do? Who is this other Tommy?" Gameknight asked, his hands shaking in a way that was very distinctly not Minecraft-y. If it wasn't for what he had seen when he looked up, he might have dwelled on that fact, but the sight of gigantic wings was enough to make his brain crash.

Tommy froze, eyes caught on the man in front of him. The feathery appendages must not have been visible from where Gameknight was standing before, but now that he was up and out of his hideyhole, they were right in his line of sight. "W-what-?" he started, the stuttering words barely making it out of his mouth before the man sighed.

"You aren't one of those people are you?" he asked, head turned away from Gameknight completely as the words came to be.

Gameknight was going to push his question, but the tone made him hesitate. There was a certain amount of emotion in it, just a specific twinge of sadness, that made him wait. Instead of asking how the hell the man had wings, he asked, "What kinds of people?"

A silence stilled over the two.

"The..." the winged man paused sadly, "The kind of person to judge someone for being a hybrid? The kind of person to think we are simply animals and not people with real emotions," His voice was pained, as if he was remembering something he would have rathered to forget. It reminded Gameknight of his own experiences, and that made him shudder.

"No," he finally said, "I would never do that. I've just uh..." he scratched the back of his head, and was only slightly surprised when his fingers met iron instead of hair, "I've never met an NPC with wings before," his mind raced. Obviously, this man was just a semi-regular person, but what was a hybrid? And why was this scene reminding him of something he had read online before? How had he gotten wings? What modpack had he obviously accidentally downloaded?

The man turned back around to face him, his face was now confused, not saddened or hopeful, "And NPC? What is that?" The questioning tone in his voice made GK feel bad, but also worried as he tried to explain.

GK999, The New Dream SMP MemberWhere stories live. Discover now