...What? (Philza)

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Tw: Small mentions of blood, but hardly.

(About 2,731 words I think.)

He smiled as he flew, wind whipped through his blond hair and sun beat down on black feathers. Oh how welcome it all was. He soared through the air, feeling close to weightless, yet oh so heavy. Wings stretched as far as they could go, muscles moving under feathers, feathers holding strong against the currents of breeze.

Swooping and diving, he danced with the clouds. Their wispy tendrils looking not unlike something he would expect in an illustration in a church book. The thought causing his shoulders to shake with laughter. Yes, that's what he was doing, dancing the art in the margins of prime books. Showing the original artist who was boss. Shaking his head, Philza flapped his wings, hard. The gust caused by them sending him dazzlingly high into the sky. As he floated on the last of the lift, he vaguely thought about the possibility of one of the several political cartoonists seeing this shot and excitedly animating it later. The idea made him smile. He was glad that they had them, their mostly neutral stances were very helpful, and it's not that he minded the art either. They were genuinely amazing.

But as gravity began to pull him back down, Phil spread his wings out, catching himself and bringing his flight into soaring. Puting just a small twist into the movement, he began to spin through the sky, arms and wings extended to either side. And it was then he realised, his hat was missing from his head. He hoped it hadn't fallen too far, as he was having too much fun right now to dive after it. But as he made another round, he decided that he wanted to try to catch it. It could be fun, you never know.

He began to fall, his closed eyes bringing the sensations of flight closer to him. He was too far up to run into a mountain anyway, so it was much worth it. As he fell, he shifted to his back, letting the bottoms of feet and outer feathers face the earth. But no, he wasn't afraid, this was purposeful. He curled his wings around himself and waited a moment longer. The wind whistling past his ears was loud enough that it would have rivaled Tommy's laughter in volume. But the thought of his friend made him sad, and as the emotion tore through his heart, he forgot what he was doing.

But something brought him back to his senses.

It was a bird's caw, sounding like they were warning him of something. But even so, it took a few more seconds for him to remember where he was. Blue eyes snapped open and he quickly turned to his stomach, extending black feathery wings, their slick shining surfaces seeming brighter than the sun itself. He faced the ground, shaking his head slightly to move stubborn strands of hair from his face. All limbs were extended, wind threatening to push them up uncomfortably, but he wasn't weak. He could stop that. He narrowed his eyes on the forest below, trees rushing up to him, but not fast enough that he couldn't save this. He braced. One second passed. Another.

He flapped his wings, the motion sending him spiraling back up into the sky. He let out a barking laugh, he really had been worried hadn't he? Maybe it was the six months of bandages that had faked him out, thinking he no longer had his touch? How silly, he was Philza! A bird hybrid, alive for thousands of years, and known throughout many servers.

He waved a hand to the crow who had saved him, wordlessly asking if it wanted to join him. A happy caw was all needed as confirmation, and the two danced through the air, Phil careful not to hit the smaller creature with his wings. His hat was long forgotten as they zipped around, him using his legs as a way to steer. He wasn't one of the bird hybrids with tail feathers, he wasn't sure if that was lucky for him or not. They made flying easier, but they certainly complicated clothing. He let out a soft chuckle, and the crow he was flying with gave him a confused look.

GK999, The New Dream SMP MemberWhere stories live. Discover now