Lucky Rabbit (Gameknight999)

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Note: Idk if was clear, but time doesn't exactly work the same way between the two worlds. I'm not sure on the specifics 'cus I don't feel like doing math, but several days in Crafter's world is just one in the one Gameknight is in currently. Despite this, our heroes (Gameknight999 characters + Tommyinnt) are not going to arrive in time for this chapter's happenings. >:)

Cws: Fighting, almost-major-injury, threat of loss of flight/limbs, self blame, mentions of blood and temporary death. Nobody who gets hurt or "dies" in this chapter will stay hurt forever.

Words: 2,441


As if they were one being, the group surged through the portal, the world warping dizzily for a moment before a cold blast of regular temperature air hit Gameknight flat in the face. He coughed the last remaining swirls from his eyes and forced himself to take in his surroundings. Quickly, he recognized the smell that he had smelled in the land of dreams, and he just about cringed back into the portal at that realization. Spawn. They were exposed. Everything he had ever heard about this server, and everything he had learned in his recent trip into dreamland, was telling him to get out of here and never look back.

At that happy thought, he glanced over his shoulder to check if everyone was still with him, and was relieved to see that they were. He let out a breath he hadn't known he had been holding. They were here, all of them.

He glanced around, noticing that the others were doing the same, his armor feeling hot on his skin from the trip into the nether now that he had grown accustomed to the temperature out in the air. But if this was spawn, why did it look so different?

He stared out at the empty expanse in front of him, an endless black plain. But other than the occasional purple glow of a portal piece, or the threatening twist of a half hidden nether crystal, it was empty, nothing at all like the mountains of stone crests and lava casts that he had seen with Etho in the Land of Dreams.

He looked to the polar bear hybrid for explanation, but he seemed just as confused (or scared) as Gameknight felt. Clearly, neither of them had been expecting to greet this sight when they had stepped into that portal.

It was utterly and completely silent. (Save for the distant echoes of wither explosions, infinite distances below them, hidden in the shadows of this massive obsidian sky.)

"At least we'll see if anyone tries to sneak up on us?" Gameknight started, and then immediately wished he hadn't. Due to his time as a fighter in his server, he knew better than anyone that saying something like that was just begging to get ambushed (and based on the look that Fit gave him, Gameknight wasn't the only one who wished that he had kept his mouth shut.)

"The coast is clear for now," Fit hissed, clearly trying to be quiet (for the first time, Gameknight noticed that his elytra seemed to have been modified to fit in in precisely these sorts of dark, empty, terrifying, areas of land), "If we keep walking that way," he gestured in the direction all of them were facing, "we'll find the border to the country,"

"That simple huh?" Etho murmured, clearly just as up to tempting fate as Gameknight had been just moments previously.

In fact, the group was just about to set out in the direction Fit had indicated, when a sudden darkness rose from the obsidian below their feet. For a second, the shapes moved so fast, shooting up into the sky like birds, that Gameknight hardly made out that it was a group of more griefers, each poised to attack anything that got in their way. There were at least eleven of them.

"Watch out!" Phil yelled, leaping into the air with a beat of his mighty wings, "They're armed!"

Quickly, the group scattered, each bursting a rocket at his feet to follow into the sky. Gameknight felt a small burn in his fingers as he realized another rocket, quickly gaining speed as he shot towards the griefers. As they had discussed in the Nether, there was no use running in these situations, but oh how he wished they didn't have to fight.

GK999, The New Dream SMP MemberWhere stories live. Discover now