Who...? (Hunter)

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Quick note for only here, if you want better spelling, read the Ao3 version, I can check words on there that I can't on google docs, and I can't fix them here because I don't care too. >^-^'<

Maybe 2,475 words? I think???

Hunter looked up at the sound of the ladder creaking. Crafter paused his speech next to her, quietly whispering a question about who could possibly be this late to the meeting. Hunter was wondering the same thing, but she wasn't quite sure if it was a good or bad thing that they were dragging more villagers into this. Unless of course the person on the ladder was Gameknight, the thought of her friend caused a hopeful little flutter in her chest, but when she saw who's boots touched down onto the cobblestone and bedrock floor, it was extinguished.

"Digger!" She heard Herder happily yell, and not a moment later the boy pushed past her in a blur of black and brown. A wave of white fur followed him, the wolves happily yipping and howling as they ran the eight blocks back to their master's side. However, their happy frolicing was cut short as a second person emerged from the ladder. It was someone Hunter didn't recognise.

"Uh, Digger, welcome to the meeting," she heard Crafter say, the words getting stronger the further into the sentence they were. But that wasn't the main thing Hunter paid attention to, it was obvious that the young looking NPC had noticed the new person too. Even so, she felt the need to whip her head back around to him.

"Do you know who that is?" she mouthed, hoping that he would get the gist of her question. Thankfully, he seemed to understand, but not so thankfully, he shook his head back, obviously just as confused about the newcomer as she was. This worried her. If a new villager was here (because he was a villager, there was no other way that he would have both no nametag and no server thread) he could have come over to tell them of war. It was a well known fact that their village was the head of those on the server, and the best at battle along with it. But even she had grown tired of it.

Finally in the silence of the room, she heard someone speak. It was Baker, a younger villager who had really only just grown up. She was here because of her knowledge in foodstuffs, something that a growing village always needs. But none of that really mattered, especially when Hunter should be paying attention to what she was saying.

"Who is that person with you?" She was asking, her voice soft and slightly embarrassed sounding. It was as if she wasn't ready to be on the council of the village yet. Hunter scoffed under her breath, she would never have the luxury of that innocence ever again, not after being kidnapped by Mallocoda all those years ago. The memory got to her, and she angrily stabbed an arrow into the table, a scowl forming on her face. Hunter wanted to get back at those monsters, but she knew that not every hostile mob was trying to kill her, so she couldn't just murder them all. She would have to think about it. ...and think about it she did, so much in fact that she almost missed Digger's reply to the question.

"He says his name is Tommy and..." Digger paused here, as if trying to figure out how to phrase the statement. Hunter looked up at him, her scowl dissipating as she saw her friend. After a few moments of all-eyes-on-him, Digger continued, "...well maybe he would like to tell you himself. There was a lot of it,"

Hunter sat back in her chair, back bumping against it halfway up. That was only expected of a stair with two signs on either side, but since Mojang hadn't given them chairs, it was one of about two options. And personally, she preferred the lower to the ground sign-stair thing. It was better looking and more comfortable for her.

However, her thoughts of furniture were broken as the newcomer spoke, "Well I don't have a clue what 'server threads' or 'code' are, and this dude was acting like that was a bad thing," He scoffed, blond hair brushing against the stone ceiling of the chamber, he was tall. Taller than Digger, or anyone else in the room, "I was thinking that maybe you all could explain them to me and let me go home, I have some revenge to attend to,"

GK999, The New Dream SMP MemberWhere stories live. Discover now