Ack (Tommyinnt)

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Tw: General sadness (what you might need for a regular GK999 book), alcohol mention, and animal death.

About 2,696 words.

"Ah!" He cried out, blue eyes instantly snapping open as he looked around at his surroundings. Bolts of pain shot through his body as he moved to stand up. He groaned out loud, it wasn't that he wasn't unfortunately used to the pain, it was just that it wasn't something that was good. It was a harsh reminder of the life he lived, and the inability to move around to check out his surroundings simply added to the patheticness of it all. Maybe he could just stay here...?

But the sounds of the world around him brought him back to reality. Even if pain was his reward for movement, getting caught by a monster or, prime forbid, another person, would most likely end much worse than anything he could cause in the short term. And so he sucked it up. Inhaling deeply, Tommy stood, aching muscles begging him to stay on the ground, just lay back down and go to sleep, but he refused to bend to their will. He was Tommy! A big man with incredible strength, he could do this.

He hoped.

Tommy brought his head up, finally actually taking in his surroundings, he seemed to be in some sort of plains biome, plenty of passive mobs, and even a village fairly close. Good. He could go to the people living there and ask where he was, and from there figure out what to do. (Because by this point, he had realised that he wasn't home.) But of course, there was something slightly worrying about the scene (Of course there way, there always was with him.), he couldn't describe it exactly, but there was something very wrong. Maybe it rested in the darkness surrounding the mountains in the distance, maybe the openness of the spawn, maybe his lack of memory of reaching it, or even just the way the world looked. It was all just ever so slightly off, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Not really.

He glanced behind himself, just a quick double check that there was no one sneaking up on him. His batterned body couldn't deal with that right now. He was too tired and confused, or in other words, not tip top fighting conditions. He sighed again, when was he ever? His life had become a jumbled mess, and he didn't know what was going on. The grey streak in his hair was proof of it, standing out like a drowned among zombies or a blaze trying to fit in with a crowd of endermen. It was just there, a painful reminder of what had happened to him.

Tommy grit his teeth. There wasn't really anything he could do about it now, he just had to accept that it had happened. It was a feeling everyone had with something, whether it be hybrid genes, a sexuality, or even just a new group of friends, there was something human in hopelessness. It brings us all together, he thought, taking a step towards the village, having decided that it was his best bet for information. It wasn't like he could realistically ask a sheep what nation he was currently in, that was something left to people who had drunk too much alcohol, not a seventeen year old.

Dwelling on that idea for a moment longer he realized that there were some things he could get from sheep, and those were wool and meat. Both things he might need to go to the village, in case they would like to trade of course. It wasn't like he was planning on making base there or anything. Though as he thought about it further (changing his direction to that of a small herd of sheep) resting in a plains village for a while wouldn't be the worst thing possible. Especially since they seemed to have fairly good guard up, he noted well put together cobblestone walls, as well as several dispensers and a fair amount of watchtowers decorating them. All things that could be considered necessary were he came from, but not considered that way even throughout his home server. (Which he was still hoping he was on, not wanting to have to cross some huge ocean in a boat... again.)

Tommy paused his thoughts, he appeared to have reached the sheep. Their fluffy bodies looked soft and innocent against the grass, and for a moment he almost felt bad killing them. But he was quickly brought back to reality by a familiar rumbling in his stomach, he was too hungry to be merciful right now. In a last effort to find food he checked his inventory, but to his dismay, there was no such thing in there, just a few random blocks of gravel and some weapons. He pulled them out one by one, trying to find the weapon that would minimise the amount of pain for the animal. (He hadn't really thought about this before, death seemed to hit a lot harder now that he had experienced it.) He eventually settled on one he had made recently, it had a bunch of enchants that would make it deal maximum damage, and lacked the fire aspect that he would normally pick for killing for food. He just thought for now that might be too painful, though he hoped he would soon get back into his old steps.

GK999, The New Dream SMP MemberWhere stories live. Discover now