Splish splash (Gameknight)

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Notes: Yippie. I may not be very into these fandoms anymore but I sure do love this silly little storyline I've made up. XD Also we are FINALLY back to a Gameknight perspective chapter, yay! I've missed writing him.

Cws: Really nothing, I guess if you don't like 2b2t you should dip out, but we're not even really there yet.

Words: 2,264


The ocean shot past below them, and Gameknight expertly kept himself near to it as the group streaked right over the waves. The foam splashed him, but his wings stayed dry, keeping him flying just as fast as ever. Techno had suggested flying close to the water so they could minimize their chances of getting spotted by someone else traveling the ocean. The idea didn't make complete sense to Gameknight (wouldn't high up in the clouds be better?) He was happy to be near the waves.

This way, if his elytra broke, he would just have to pretend to be a skipping stone for a few minutes, rather than having to let his entire life flash before his eyes in the short moments that he had left. (Somehow, the world around him felt so real that it skipped his mind that falling into the ocean wouldn't hurt. This was Minecraft after all.)

Gameknight looked around at his companions, smiling slightly as Phil's protective form soared above them (his wings prevented him from staying too close to the waves, he wasn't a seabird after all). On either side were Techno and Etho, and though Gameknight's heart threatened to long for his friends from the other worlds, Techno looked so happy that he could comfortably keep his sadness at bay.

Etho on the other hand...

After he had finished his quick chat with the User that is not a User, Etho had gone quite quiet. He was clearly thinking about something, and based on the way his gray and red eyes kept flicking over the wide ocean for any sight of something, he did not exactly seem happy with where they were. (Gameknight thought that was a bit odd, he had been excited to go with them earlier, had there been some change in direction that had upset him?)

But he didn't think about it so hard. After all, the wide ocean (with glowing patches of coral reefs where he could have sworn he had spotted at least one shark) was a comfort to him. Exploring a new part of a world, one that didn't seem tainted with violence, was always a good thing. In fact, as he flew, he could almost pretend that he was playing the game again, even when the wind in his hair and the foam dripping off his netherite armor did everything it could to remind him of the truth of his situation.

They flew so fast and so far the Gameknight began to lose track of his mission, the excitement and wonder was so great. (And when a dolphin breached the surface of the water right to his left, he even stopped worrying about Etho for a moment.) This was crazy! The fact that he was headed to a very possibly deadly battle away from not only his regular friends, but his Minecraft ones as well, did not even bother him then. Flying was a truly unimaginable feeling, once you were in control of it.

But eventually his joy had to come to a close as Phil slowed and looked down at them. His eyes were urgent, and he shifted his flight path to angle at a small sandy island, completely alone in the waves. The three elytra flyers had a bit more trouble staying still in mid air than he did, so the island came in handy as the four landed. Gameknight wondered distantly if they looked like an average friend group from this world, a piglin, a human, a crow hybrid, and a polar bear hybrid, but the panic in Phil's eyes was enough to cause him worry.

"Okay," he whispered, his voice a short break from the crashing of ocean waves on the shore, "We're getting pretty close to spawn," he waited while everyone took that in before adding, "but that also means that we're in sight range from 2b2t." The combined effect of being told he was close to the exit and the fact that Phill said the name of the server so matter of factly made it so Gameknight took a second to even process that he had just named a so-called "anarchy" server. Techno, however, stiffened.

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