Again? (Tommyinnt)

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Yooo so I mention Notch in this chapter, but I want you to know that I am purely referring to the character Notch from GK999 and my own interpretation of that character in the Minecraft world that I make Tommy and such live in. Though Notch would technically exist in real life in this fic, I do not want to write RPF, and the character of him is as disconnected as the ones for Phil and Tommy are. (I do not know if I will actually write c!Notch at all, but I want to make sure to bring this up for if I do.)

About 2,330 words.

Tommy inhaled quickly, but, remembering what was going on, allowed himself to be pulled to a sitting position. He rocked back and forth slightly, trying to get his eyes to focus on the man in front of him. But as it turned out, he didn't need to.

"Kid, we're gonna get you to the village okay?" The man waited for confirmation before lifting Tommy to his feet. "Do you want me to carry you or do you think you can walk on your own?"

Tommy looked up at the villager's face. He could see details of it of course, but only two thoughts came to mind. "Oh wow he looks like a dad. Not mine, but a dad for sure," and, "But why does he look so slightly off?" Of course, by that thought, Tommy didn't mean that the villager looked strange, but he also didn't mean that he looked... messed up or anything. It only meant that he looked just a little bit... fuzzy around the edges, as if Tommy's eyes were refusing to see something about him. The boy looked around the world, taking in the fact that well... everything looked that way, and then snapped his gaze back to the man in front of him.

The villager looked at him expectantly, adjusting the placement of Tommy's arm over his shoulder. It was only after a few moments of compilation that the blond boy answered, "I- I think I can walk mostly on my own, but could you support me a bit?" He laughed dryly, "I want to actually make it to the village," "Why is everything fuzzy?" he thought privately, "Whenever I freak out back home everything seems normal afterwards,"

The man nodded, "That's fair, I've been in that situation before," he began to walk towards the cobble walls that surrounded his home.

Tommy walked with him. (Not that he had much of a choice, his arm being held by the other of course.) Their steps began to sync over the grass. Tommy eventually standing straight up again, his strength feeling repaired.

"What's your name kid?" The villager asked, releasing some of the hold he had had on his arm.

"Oh, it's uh-" Tommy thought for a moment, it wasn't always the best choice to reveal a name, he knew that. A beat passed as he decided to ignore strategy, "It's Tommy,"

The villager paused in his step, "Tommy?" He glanced above Tommy's head, "Uh, where's your server thread and nametag?"

Now it was Tommy's turn to stop. "My what?" He blinked in confusion. The villager looked just as confused as he felt.

"Well, villagers don't have those kinds of names, but users do, but you don't have a server thread or a nametag, which is how we can see if you are a user or not," the villager explained, his voice slightly shaky.

"What do you mean villagers don't have that sort of name? And what's a user?" Tommy asked, sounding (if possible) even more confused than before.

The man let go of his arm and took a step back. "I mean, it's in our code not to have those kinds of names," he paused here, eyes darting back to the wall before finding their way back to the blond boy before him, "Did you hit your head when you collapsed earlier? Do you genuinely not know what users are?"

Now it was Tommy's turn to step back. Now, instead of being confused, he was feeling a familiar feeling of foreboding and fear beginning to seep into him. "No, I've never heard that before," he shifted his gaze to the sky above, suddenly scared he would see something there, when he didn't, he looked back at the man. He hushed his voice before speaking, "Is it like a Watcher? Maybe a Listener even?"

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