Oops. (Gameknight)

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Tw: Bit of swearing at the end.


Words: 2,115


This is so self indulgent oh my gosh. (But I actually have an idea for the plot now, so you guys can have that knowledge. XD)


 It had been a full day since he had first turned up at Techno and Philza's house. And as he lay there, thinking about the day, he realized that he hadn't really learned anything about his situation. Sure, he had figured out that he was not in his normal Minecraft world, and that this was not what he would call "Minecraft" (Though the people on it seemed to think it was.), and most importantly, some things about this world he had been shoved into.

And though it had just been a day (or rather, the second half of one, given that the sun was now going down) since he had gotten here, it felt like it had been much longer. Maybe that was because of the information that had been practically shoved down his throat, maybe because of the fight he had endured, or maybe because of the dull horror of being trapped so far from home.

Honestly, all he could hope for now was that the digitizer would bring him back home soon. But even that hope was foggy, due to the nagging feeling that it's safety lock might have been flipped the wrong way. Jenny was funny like that. (After his last major escapade into Minecraft, Tommy's father (Monkeypants in-game), had installed a safety setting that brought the user of the digitizer back after a certain amount of time.) Gameknight had to admit that the time limit had saved both his and his homework many times in the past, but if it wasn't turned on... Well, armor can't protect you if it's not equipped, can it?

Gameknight rolled over, sighing. There was still the hope (even if that was all it was), and that was what mattered wasn't it? Suddenly, he heard a snort from across the room (causing the User-That-Is-Not-a-User to jump slightly before he remembered who could have made it).

"Thinking about something, are you?" Asked Techno, his voice soft with sleepiness, "Want someone to think about it with?"

Gameknight hesitated, rolling back over to face the piglin. (Who was sitting rather threateningly in a chair across from the bed.) On one hand, Gameknight definitely needed the support right now, but on the other, Techno wasn't exactly the most accommodating person that he had ever met. (And besides, even if they did talk to each other, what could Tommy even say? Techno and Phil were both under the impression that he was from "past the farlands", whatever that meant, and he would have to make up half his words to keep that lie intact.) Besides, Phil was asleep upstairs, if Techno attacked GK now, who would protect him? He wasn't geared to fight!

"It's okay if you don't want to," Techno told him, noting his hesitation, "I don't really like to talk about things either." (And GK watched as he leaned back into his chair, eyes closed with the contented tiredness of someone who had just had a very long day.)

Gameknight sat up and stared for a moment longer, thoughts racing as he pondered whether or not he wanted to talk about it. Again, he was scared and needed someone to calm him down (no shame in admitting it), but he wasn't so sure that Techno would comfort him above cutting his head off. (To be honest, he didn't really think that Techno would want to kill him at all, but this world had scared him, and when he was scared he started to get paranoid.)

"I do want to talk about it-!" He suddenly blurted out, face taunt with worry as he watched Techno's. (He kept his eyes closed and perked up his ears like he was listening.) And then, quieter this time, Gameknight continued, "But it's okay if you don't want to. It wouldn't be the first time I've had to deal with my own thoughts."

GK999, The New Dream SMP MemberWhere stories live. Discover now