🌹🥀 I 🥀🌹

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Hello dear readers! I have decided to scrap my old fanfic entirely and make a new one with roughly the same oc. The storyline of the old fic is a promising concept and I am currently writing a story with it as the outline, however, it will take a while until the first chapters are released.


She is running. Running as fast as she can. But it doesn't help. They get nearer with every passing second. Her destination is in sight. Only a few more feet, she tells herself. With a shout, she runs past the finish line. The other athletes behind her are just as out of breath as she is.

Another first place. She takes the medal and puts on her best smile. Another first place means another week where she doesn't have to worry about them. The expectations that are set upon her have always been high and she delivers accordingly time and time again. It ruins her, all the time pushing a body unwilling to comply but what can she do? There is no escape from this, at least physical.

Mentally, she lives somewhere else, visits new worlds and gets new powers every week. Books are her only friends and well, her parents allow her unrestricted access to books of all kinds. It's the only hobby they unconditionally support and so, her room is filled to the brim with them, from mangas over webtoons to fairy porn (her parents don't know she has those) and every time she's bored, a few new ones join.

The bus that brings the national athletes back to camp is nearly empty. Most people are visiting family right now, with the season finished. Her family, well, mother is coach for the gymnastics team and father is a master in MMA who teaches the newcomers at the moment. They are already waiting for her.

She puts in her headphones and puts on some music before opening her backpack and taking out her manga. It's the newest One Piece and she relishes in the feeling of fresh paper on her calloused fingertips.

Suddenly, she gets thrown to the side. She looks up to see that the driver has lost control over his vehicle and is currently trying to steer back onto the road. It's just her luck that there's a bridge only a few yards ahead.  She jumps up and kicks in the bus window but right as she wants to jump out, the bus drives over the edge right off a cliff.

 She makes it out a second later but it's too late. She's falling, free-falling and there is no way to get to safety. Her hands seek comfort in the necklace dangling from her neck. It's a beautiful thing, shaped like a rose which stalk is wrapped around a skull. The rose is an unnatural blue and the skull has a nearly black colour.

She got it from a local business when she was seven and held onto it ever since. It's the only piece of jewellery she has, because everything else was taken from her as 'punishment'. Her back hits the ground just as she is thinking about how it's a shame that she couldn't finish her pack of chips while binging Naruto.

White, hot pain is everywhere in her body at once and the suddenly, there is nothing. When she wakes up the next time, and it's weird that she wakes up at all, she is reasonably confused. The bus which she was driving in lies on the foot of the cliff and next to it, there is a body. Her body. There's blood all around her and her legs are twisted in an unnatural way.

The scene itself is quite tranquil, with wheeping willow trees around a small lake. A good place for a picnic but that is out of question for her, it seems.

She is angry. There is no pull at her, nothing indicating she is leaving this state of constant muddled awareness.

"Whoever decided it was a good time to kill me up or down there, take fucking responsibility! I refuse to be a ghost for the rest of eternity! Send me somewhere else or I will pull a Karen on you and complain to the manager. I won't hesitate."

And somehow, her shouts must've found the culprit of this dilemma, because she slowly loses track of her surroundings and falls into a deep, long, sleep.

Big hands caress her soul as she is unconscious and a light chuckle is heard from above. "This is not the right place for you to be yet." a deep voice is heard saying. "So many emotions in such a frail human body. You shall find a more suitable vessel this time. Until you are ready, I wish you luck in that world of yours. May your next life be happier than this. I will wait for you, my lovely."

The hands let go of her soul and it floats away, does not follow all the other ones to the river of oblivion but turns to the gate that is nearly empty. Only the warden is standing there, taking a look at the soul before opening the door. His laughter is heard for miles as he holds his stomach.

"The old man does let her go at last. Maybe his absence will finally trigger what we've all been waiting for. I'm curious."

All of that happens without her knowing. Much later, she will look back and smile with nostalgia while a star crumbles. But that, is a story that is better left untold until the very end.


English isn't my first language so there may be some errors, but I want that as many people as possible can enjoy this fanfiction. If you like this story, please leave a comment. An average chapter has 1000-2000 words so don't expect long ass chapters. I will try to be as original as I can but it is possible that some concepts are already used, simply because of the sheer amount of Naruto fanfics on this platform.

Naruto is the plaything of Kishimoto, I'm just playing with it.

This fanfiction contains a lot of swearing, grafic description of violence and maybe a few more spicy scenes, which will be marked.

I have nothing against critism, so please do tell what you think should be made better. If someone just talks shit in the comments, I will not hesitate to delete the comment and block this person. (As soon as I find out how to do that. Send help, I only know Ao3, I forgot how to work with this oh god-)

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