🩸🥀 XXI 🥀🩸

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Hello! Surprise, I'm not dead! Unbelievable, I know. But I was very busy the last few weeks and just couldn't get my writing juices to work properly so here we are! School is over now though, so perhaps I can upload more often. ANyways, enjoy the chapter.

This song is beautiful btw, and I absolutely reccomend looking up Brick + Mortar for more bangers. My favourites besides this one are "Locked in a Cage" and "Train". Have a nice listen.


It was like the world had stopped. Himari feels it before she sees it, that bone-crushing fear of losing. Her summon can't find the chakra of Orichimaru, it's not there. Her kunai finishes of an enemy as she rushes towards the place where she has last felt his signature.

There, Orichimaru lays, a sword piercing his chest. Himari screams. She screams and tears, her ancestral curse of intense emotions making her feel more than she ever has before, agony, agony. The Kaguya in her breaks free as bones sprout out of the ground like thousands of spears designed to kill.

Sakumo manages to evade the attack, barely. He can't get any closer to her than he already is, for there is a dome around her and her fallen friend and her eyes are feral. Unsuppressed rage as she tears into her enemies, blinded, uncaring of who is friend or foe. Luckily, not many Konoha ninjas are present in the vicinity and those who are can flee before she gets to them.

Her summon bursts out of her chest, a giant bird shadowing the battlefield as the bones begin to burn.

There are walls caging everyone in, not made of bones but fire this time and as someone tries to get out, he burns within seconds. A true monster has been unleashed and no one can escape. Her summon shrinks and descends from the skies, sitting next to Orichimaru and putting its wings, made out of flames and smoke, on top of his chest.

The whole ordeal takes up mountains of chakra but she doesn't care, she only wants to hurt, to kill everyone who harmed one of her precious people. It runs like a mantra through her mind, that raw, unbridled rage, all-consuming. A chant of 'Kill, kill, kill!' is occupying her mind, she can't think straight, can't think at all.

As the flames consume Orichimaru, his whole body on fire yet not decaying or burning at all, Himari finishes the last ninjas off. Only one, the one whose sword now lays next to Orichimaru, is still alive. There is a fate far worse than death waiting for him. She kneels next to Orichimaru's unmoving figure, cradling him in her arms even as the fire jumps over to her.

It can't hurt her regardless. Tears are threatening to burst from her eyes but she holds them back. She hasn't tried this before, her summon hasn't tried this before, but maybe it will work. Suddenly, her mind is crystal clear and she can focus on the injury. All of her studying of anatomy will be put to test here.

She steadies her shaking hands and lets a few seals flare around them. They are used to sterilize her surroundings and keep any noise outside. She can't afford to be disturbed now. Himari lets chakra scalpels flare to life with a flick of her fingers and begins the surgery.

Her phoenix sits next to her, helping. Healing properties are one of its strong suits, because otherwise, Himari couldn't even have attempted this.

She doesn't know how long it takes but eventually, she finishes. Orichimaru is breathing. He is alive. Or, at least his body is. He is basically in a coma. She's exhausted, her chakra levels are dangerously low, but he's alive. That's all she needs.

She takes his limp body into her arms and shunshins to where she knows the medics are stationed. She falls unconscious just as they take him from her.

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