💀🥀 VIII 🥀💀

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A disney song has no business being this good, seriously. It's unfair.

Anyways, this arc was definitely planned and I did not come up with it on the fly, nope, never. I just really wanted to have some interaction with him before he gets all edgy and eternity-obsessed. Don't sue me, I've been taught by a professional german and I will sue back.


Himari lets herself be pulled after little Sasori, who's blabbering about his life the whole way back to his village. It's so weird, the difference between him and the one she knows from the anime couldn't be greater. He sounds just like a normal child and that fact weighs on her consciousness every step of the way.

It makes her remember what she may have forgotten, that there are people behind the monsters that she knows and that they were shaped as they are by their surroundings. Villains aren't born, they're made, after all.

It's easy to keep up with his little rants. He mostly talks of his parents, but there's bits about other things as well. How he's watching the taller kids practice whenever he can, how he's reading in the library half of the time and how he wishes that his future classmates aren't idiots. They're such trivial things, a kid from the Kaguya could never dream about such a life.

She doesn't say that, of course, but she hints at it, just to see how he'll react. It's sweet, when he says that she can go with him and not worry about 'those meanies' anymore. It makes her question everything, because she's pretty sure that at the same time he complains about his mom not playing with him anymore, there's people only two years older than him fighting a hopeless war.

"... and then, they wanted me to go away! Can you believe that?! I was just watching, I didn't even talk!" she chuckles, but responds anyways.

"How rude of them! They should be proud that a cool future ninja such as yourself decided to observe them out of everyone. How about next time you go watching and they're mean to you, I fight them? You can see more of my awesome jutsus then."

She's quickly warming up to him. A few days in Suna won't hurt and she probably won't get a better chance to scout the village out. Maybe she can draw a map, which would give her the strategic high ground compared to others. It's always good to be overprepared is what she learnt at the Kaguyas and it's the only lesson she can fully agree with.

"You would do that? That would be awesome! They only ever do the things mom does, you could totally blow them out of their socks!"

He turns around for a high five and she gives him one out of instinct. It's her first real high five in a very long time and she nearly tears up. Damn emotions, making her feel all mushy 'nd shit.

Sunagakure lays in a valley and the only obvious path to it is the front gate. She notes the secret entrances she can detect because there's someone running through them right now. There must be over twenty, but she will have enough time at night to look closer into the matter.

That's all assuming she can get past the guards at the entrance, of course. The second ninja-war is about to begin, maybe a few more weeks, and it's noticeable in the upset chakra swirling in shinobi and civilians alike. It's the war that will eventually kill Sasori's parents and lets him become the ruthless ninja she knows him as.

Chiyo, or at least she assumes it's Chiyo because she isn't old and wrinkly at this point, is pacing at the gates when they arrive. She sees her grandson and promptly lets go of the shinobi she was threatening to take him in her arms. He hugs her back.

"Sasori, where have you been?! Have I not forbidden you to leave the village? How did you even get past Ikari? I was so worried, you brat!"

He only looks away sheepishly and Himari can see the irk-mark appear. Well, not really because this world isn't 2D when you're in it yourself, but it's so easy to read her that it's laughable.

"I just wanted to find this cool flower I found in the book the librarian gave me! You can make poison with it, granny!"

"The libr- I will kill Haruko the next time I see him. Who're you?" It's as if she's only now noticed that Himari's there, although she didn't even try to hide herself. She does a mock-salute and introduces herself.

"Himari, pleased to meet you. I saved your grandson from getting eaten by a giant sandworm. He said you make the best Katsudon."

It's not out of the ordinary to only have a first name. There's to many orphans everywhere, nobody knows which family they're from so they simply don't get a last name. She also discreetly steering away from herself and changing the topic.

"Is that true? Sasori you brat, you could've been killed! Do you understand what that means?!"

He will soon enough, Himari thinks bitterly. His parents died when he was eight or so. It's the harsh reality of this world, kill or get killed. It just so happened that Sakumo was stronger than Sasori's parents.

"But I didn't! Himari even used a cool jutsu and the worm made shhhh and then it was gone! It looked totally epic!"

Chiyo looks at her with slight distrust but seems to decide that since she saved her grandson, Himari can't be that bad.

"Did she now? Sasori, no katsudon for you the next two months. I guess I'll have to thank you for saving this brat. Come with me, I'm sure you want to wash that blood off."

It's a nice gesture and well, she's reached her goal of getting into the village. Maybe she can find some more suitable clothes for her journey so that she won't be mistaken for a pretty ghost again.

Chiyo is an important figure in the village, if she's on Himari's side, there's nothing much anyone can do to chase her out. Well, the Kazekage can, but she thinks that he'll have more pressing matters to tend to than a four-year-old child that saved the grandson of one of his most trusted shinobi.

"Thanks, that would be... appreciated. Can't wait to get that white shit off me." that earns her a laugh and a pat on the shoulder from Chiyo while Sasori positively lights up and already begins to ramble again.

It's nice, she thinks, to see that even in this harsh world, there's still families that genuinely care for each other. a relief, maybe, that there's still some normal under all the crazy in a person.

And, well, if she smiles as she follows the two of them home, then it's none of anybody's business but her own.


I got it, lovelies! This chapter is a bit of a filler, actually, and part of the next is as well. It's just some fun and cute things before shit hits the fan. Himari will have to go to Konoha soon, and only then does the planned part begin.

I'm being honest, this is just me building a story on a very shaky foundation and hoping it'll work out. It mostly does, whenever I do something like that, so I have some faith.

Maybe, there's even some angst in the next chapter, who knows? I certainly don't. Unless?

Naruto is Kishimoto's toy, I'm just playing with it.

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