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I'm just saying, but this song is one of the best I've ever heard. Like,,, hello!!!! The beat, the lyrics, everything is just *chef kiss* perfection.

Anyways, Konoha, yay! Up until now, the story was mostly told out of the perspective of Himari. While this won't necessarily change, I will use more Pov. change now. I think it's a good way to highlight the feelings that character has for Himari and their thoughts in general.

I will also be challenging to write different types of characters which will hopefully improve my abilities as a writer as well.


Himari wanders. She never stays at one place more than one night, avoiding skimishes and similar things. The main fights take place between Konoha, Kumo and Iwa although Suna will join in soon.

Himari can't possibly avoid all confrontation so she makes it an opportunity instead, fighting on Konohas side to gain experience. Of course, she can't just saunter there without any protection, so she chose a mask to hide her identity.

It's a blank, white piece of wood without eye-slits. Himari relies on her other senses when fighting, a luxury she can afford because she is strong enough. She never approaches the strongest shinobi anyways, neither friend nor foe, no matter how much she itches for it. It would only bring her unwanted trouble and recognition.

Her heart is cold with sorrow of leaving her loved ones somewhere she can't reach twice, but she can't change her path now. She is oath-bound to walk the way of an unreachable warrior and should she ever change that fact, it would leave a significant dent with her powers.

Because her name sits on the pergament, written and sealed in blood, a reminder of what she has to seek out.

At least she got a cool summon instead.

She sneaks arround the battlefield, laying traps and warning her teammates of incoming enemy-squads. It's what she does best, feeling chakra and so she has noticed the signature long ago. She pushes a thread of chakra through the device on her wrist as to notify her team that she has to deviate from her original path.

Koharu Utatane ducks behind some bushes and observes the signature. It's a child, but she can't say much beyond that. The child is fighting on their side, tearing through Iwa-shinobi like its nothing, as if this could go on for days and it wouldn't get tired. She knows that can't be true, even the village's strongest need a break every now and then, but it sure seems like it.

The white mask it wears is disquitening, there is no hole in it, neither to breathe nor to see. It's not a child from their village, because surely Koharu would've noticed such an extraordinary being.

The kid wears black and green clothes to blend in with the environment and it does a good job at it. Koharu decides to get closer because she's got her Jonin-vest on and even if the kid were foolish enough to attack her, she has backup waiting.

The black-clad ninja has just finished off a batch of Iwa-shinobi, which presents her with the perfect opportunity to talk with it. She appears behind the youth and wants to tap them on their shoulder, but they turn around before she can do so.

"What do you want?" an annoyed voice comes from behind the mask and Hotaru is surprised. She had thought the kid to be at least ten years old but the voice lets her assume otherwise.

"You are not one of Konohas shinobi yet you fight on our side. Why?" straight to the point just how she likes it. The child could be a potential threat and she doesn't want to risk anything.

"Why is it that humans always seek for a reason? Actions speak louder than words sometimes, don't you know? I don't plan on getting close to your lot anyways, I'm just here for my personal gains. If those align with Konoha's then be happy. You need fighters anyways, you don't get to be picky."

Koharu scoffs. This child has the audacity to try and lecture her even though she has much more expirience. There's just some things kids should not meddle in, and correcting her is one of them. But she can't let her feelings take control of her so easily and so she shakes it off.

"I want to determine if you are a threat to Konoha or not, that is all. Now why don't you take off that mask so we know that you're not a spy, huh?"

"Your reasoning lacks motive. Why would you care if I was a spy? As long as I don't get to close to your troups, which, again, I don't plan to, you have no business with me so don't meddle with it."

Again, the child speaks as if it has more knowledge in the field than she has. Koharu just snaches the mask from the kid's face and stocks. A Kaguya, that much is clear. They always stick those stupid red dots on their foreheads. Why would Kiri send their forces here?

"How troublesome. I don't think I can let you live now, sorry."

Lightning strikes her comrades and they fall from their respective trees, unconscious. She wants to run. Without her backup, she is weak and she knows it. Her strength lies somewhere else.

Her feet are planted on the ground and no matter how hard she tries, she can't move. It was a mistake, to grab that mask.

"Now, why don't you forget whe ever met, huh? it would save you so much trouble. You and your little ninja-friends can just go back where you came from and forget this happened. I'm sure you would like to live a bit longer, wouldn't you?"

Koharu feels, tired, very tired. Her feet buckle and she begins to sleep. When she wakes up the next time, she has no idea how she got this close to the actual battlefield. She ignores it.


That's it for this chapter my lovelies, sorry that it's so short but I thought that this is a really good sentence to end this on. Can't forget to do some cliffhangers now, can I?

The first time someone from Konoha makes an appearance and it was not a pretty scene. Koharu Utatane is the girl that's on the same team as Hiruzen under the guidance of the second Hokage and allthough Danzo was originally not on the same team, I have decided to pull some strings and put them together.

Team seven now consists of Koharu Utatane, Hiruzen Sarutobi and Danzō Shimura. Stay tuned for the next chapter cause I might just reveal something about the mysterious power Himari has used this chapter. Emphasis on the might. It'll be a nice one either way and if everything goes as planned, it'll be the last one in a long time that doesn't have anything to do with Konoha.

Also, just for good measure, please stand for the national anthem of every Narutard with a brain and more than ten years of life-expirience: FUCK THE THIRD HOKAGE!

I may or may not hate him with every inch of my being. Danzō is not better in the slightest and don't even get me started on Kabuto and Zetsu. The rest are chilling though, ngl.

Naruto is Kishimoto's toy, I'm just playing with it.

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