🌹🥀 IV 🥀🌹

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Y'all gotta listen to this song, I swear I nearly died the first time I heard it! It scratches an itch, if you know what I mean. Great band, I suggest you check them out if you like this song.

10/10 I got so much inspiration it's unbelievable. Anyways, enough of my rant. The chapters right now may be a bit boring to some people but I swear, I'm nearly finished with the set-up! There's going to be some funny shit coming up.


It's a cold afternoon when it happens. Himari is training with her Shikotsumyaku when it happens. A clan-member runs to the training-grounds to deliver the message.

"Himari-hime, Hotaru-sama wants you at the infirmary right now! Hana-sama is giving birth!" She didn't even know Hana was pregnant. There's no bond between them; Hana isn't Himari's mother and Himari isn't her child. They don't see each other often, but it makes somewhat sense that father wants her there.

It will be her half-sibling after all, someone she may have to fight in the future to save her seat as the clan head. She doesn't covet the position, but her father doesn't need to know that.

She simply nods and runs after the messenger. She wouldn't need to, seeing that she frequents the place with various wounds every other week, but she doesn't know the room Hana is in. Her mother is probably seething right now, Himari thinks. The fact that she had a child with Hotaru and Hana didn't was one of the things she would always brag about.

To find out her only lead was now gone, it must be devastating. They halt before the door Hana is behind and there is father, nervously pacing around. She knows it's not because of concern for Hana; they don't love each other, after all. No, it's because of the gender of his child.

Women are seen as the weaker gender by most, and to have only girls in line for succession would make him the laughing stock of the clan. His position might even be threatened because the Kaguya might think that his genes weren't strong enough.

That's not the case of course, it all comes back to the timing in the end, but doctors here haven't made that discovery yet. On the other hand, anatomy might function different because of chakra, she is almost sure it does. No way in hell would she be able to do the things she does if there weren't at least some changes.

There are screams coming from inside the room: it seems like it's nearly over. Her sense of hearing is exceptionally developed and she steps away from the door. She will need to train with it more, especially the turning down of sensitivity.

Suddenly, its quiet and she lets out a sigh of relief. The door opens and a nurse motions at them to come in. She doesn't hesitate to step over the threshold.

The room is the same annoying dirty white all of the estate is and she once again curses white rooms. But there is no time to dwell on these things because there is a baby in Hana's arms and something inside Himari shifts.

She's never had a sibling before but she's had wished for one a long time ago. It's a boy, she notices, and he looks so small and fragile she wants to cry. She does feel something rushing to her eyes, but there are no tears falling yet.

She wants to protect him, her baby brother because gods know what would happen if she didn't. Father is ruthless, Hana doesn't seem to care for hime even a little bit and her mother will probably hate his guts. It's not a good environment for a baby.

There is sudden clarity in her eyes and she can see everything in vivid detail. Sharingan, she realizes, and in every other instance she would curse every higher being in existence for giving her this dangerous power but right now, she is too happy.

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