🌹🥀 III 🥀🌹

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Her father's office is huge, Himari realizes as she looks around in the room. It's of an oval shape, with weapons and crests lining the walls and a broad desk near the only window. A few chairs are scattered across a purple carpet.

It's uninviting and the blood on some of the chairs is unsettling, but she endures. It's not like she has another choice, anyway.

Himari has an advantage against her peers: time. She will use the precious time others spend on learning basics to get herself a lead big enough to survive. Her dad, back at the camp, has taught her MMA for several years while mom was more of a gymnastic kind of person, but both can come in handy now.

Her father sits on his chair, paper all around him. He looks up to meet his wife's eyes and then on her small body, still being carried in the servants' arms.

"Karuka, why are you here? I think I clearly told you I was busy. And why do you have this- this thing with you?"

Himari doesn't like being objectified; it happened in the past and it will happen again, but she hates every second of it. Her thoughts aren't viable on her face though, as she keeps up a neutral mask most of the time. It's not like she doesn't feel anything, she just doesn't think the Kaguya view emotions as something strong.

She has to get in her father's good graces somehow, if she wants to live past the age of five, because clearly, he is an important man. The clan head, even, if Karuka is called sama by everyone.

"I've come to tell you that our child is a genius! She is already crawling at three months, there is no doubt that she is going to be able to walk soon!" Karuka looks at her husband with loving eyes, but his gaze doesn't return this.

"Indeed. It would be a stroke of luck to have a prodigy with both kekkei genkai. Let's hope she doesn't disappoint. I expect to be informed on any milestones she makes. If everything turns out fine, she can begin to train in a year."

Himari is flabbergasted. In her past life, training began when she was four years old. Is he insane? Actually, that's a dumb question. He's a Kaguya, of course he is.

"You will be up-to-date with everything concerning our daughter, I promise dear! Servant, take her away. Anyways, love, what do you think of-"

She is carried out by the servant and brought back to that goddamn room again. Fuck white, empty rooms. All my homies hate white, empty rooms.

It's so bland, without a bit of personality behind it, just like the stereotypical bullies in high-school movies. They're all the same.

now that her father is watching her a bit closer, she will have to deliver. She tries to remember details and bits of the show she didn't need before. and deliver she does.

She has free access to her chakra at two. It's a hard process, opening every tenketsu point by force, but she has books to guide her through it. When she shows her father, he is delighted. It is only fitting of the future heir of the Kaguya to be the prodigy of the century, he says.

The title is reserved for someone else, much more deserving of it, but she doesn't mention that. He takes her to train the day after he said that. It's harsh and unforgiving, but that's how training always has been for her.

Himari's knowledge regarding martial arts is only useful in moderation. The styles she learns here are nearly entirely different, but she has the goal of eventually using them again. It was her passion, back in her old world, but mom never allowed it, said a girl should do athletics and gymnastics rather than fighting.

Still, her father is pleased with her progress in everything but one point: kekkei genkai. It's unreasonable, to expect a girl only three years old to awaken such a strong ability. Her father won't tell her what her mother's blood line limit is, but she has a sneaking suspicion that she won't like it; as if being a Kaguya isn't bad enough.

She hates it. Well, no, that's an overstatement. Most of the people leave her alone and she wasn't asked to fight anyone to the death yet. She strongly dislikes it, because she knows said things are coming, but she doesn't hate it.

When she is three-and-a-half years old, Shikotsumyaku manifests. She is trying to climb a tree when it happens, to look over the island her clan calls home and map it in her head. But she slips and falls to the ground. Instead of the sharp pain of broken bones fracturing her muscles, she only has that dull ache you would get after banging your fist against a wall repeatedly.

When she opens her eyes, she sees an extended ribcage that without a doubt belongs to her, considering the bones go inside her body. It's disgusting, but well, not the most disgusting thing she has seen in her time here. The bones retreat back into her body and a small voice inside her head tells her that this isn't how it worked in the original, but she ignores it.

She stands up and goes to tell her father instead, who nods his head in approval and gives her an even harsher training-routine to follow. He also gives her books, which she can read without difficulty. The language barrier that she had disappeared within the first month of her life. The walls are thin in the Kaguya household and so, she could hear various conversations.

It's useful and a nuisance at the same time. On one hand, she is always up to date regarding rumours and information, but on the other, she can't talk out loud to sort out her thoughts like she always liked to do. Well, she could do so in English, but that would be highly dubious.

On the day of her fourth birthday, she finally confirms her suspicions regarding her mother's former clan. Her part of the family has split from the rest over two-hundred years ago, but that doesn't change anything about the fact that she is half Uchiha out of all things.

It's not like she hates the clan, but being an Uchiha is dangerous. Couple that with her other genes and she is essentially a magnet for all sorts of trouble. But there is still hope. Because her mother's family has been living apart from the other Uchiha for so long, the blood has diluted quite a bit.

Her mother may have the sharingan, a mangekyou, even, but that doesn't mean she has the potential to awaken it. She knows her mother is an Uchiha because she got angry, very angry, and her powers activated as reaction to said feelings.

It was just a little quarrel, really, but Karuka takes everything regarding her husband so serious and really doesn't like that he has another wife, even though that's not a new development at all. Kaguya practice polyamory, at least the clan head does. He is believed to be the strongest and as such has to get as many offspring as possible.

It's an old believing that the clan head that doesn't have at least two wives will bring misfortune to the family, so even if father wanted to only marry her, he would still be forced by the elders to take in a second bride.

But well, that doesn't get through mothers' skull because for an Uchiha, she is surprisingly stupid and short-minded. Himari doesn't like her, even less than she does her father. There might be some lingering affection because gods would she like to have a mother that loves her, but things are like they are and so, she hates her instead.

her mother is a fool for her father, soft for him and only him but he doesn't reciprocate. In fact, she is nearly 100% sure that her father is gay. Which, good for him, she doesn't judge, but there are still those fucking thin walls and she was really well of without knowing her father's kinks.

She usually sneaks out those nights, runs into the forest that surrounds their settlement and relishes in the tranquil atmosphere that is so very different from her usual surroundings. there's a lake where nobody goes to and sometimes, she wonders if anyone even knows it exists. She practises water-walking on that lake, stands there for hours and looks at the fish under her feet.

They try to tell her a story that she will never fully understand.


 Please do state any plotholes or other shit that doesn't line up, I will try to fix it.

Hah, I have defeated my arch-nemesis that is writers block! Take that! No but fr, writing is my new drug. Who needs drugs when you can write, honestly. It's even better when your writing doesn't absolutely suck ass like it did once.

I added some foreshadowing in this chapter, although I think it is so subtle that nobody noticed. Stay tuned for the next chapter my lovelies, it'll be out soon!

Naruto is Kishimoto's toy, I'm just playing with it.

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