🍄🥀 XVIII 🥀🍄

620 47 2

Enjoy lol.


"Hatake-san, let's be friends!"

He looks at her bewildered, entirely thrown out of the concentrated mindset he has been in for the past hour.

"What?", he asks, dumbfounded. It's not uncommon for people to ask him if they can be his friends, he likes to think that he's approachable and nice enough for them to genuinely feel this way. Either that, or they want to get closer in hopes of obtaining a higher position in the village.

But those are normal people. And if there is one word Sakumo wouldn't use to describe Himari, it would be normal. No matter how much she tries to hide it, the Hatake are experts at tracking and reading scents, chakra and emotions. He doesn't know what she's hiding and she expertly avoids the higher ups, who would probably see through her.

That's one thing, but her other friends are an entirely different matter. The Senju princess, the genius of the generation and he suspects that she's friends with a prodigal Uchiha as well. The only one that doesn't fit into the picture is Jiraiya, but he surely has other outstanding qualities.

That Himari, the one that everyone sees as an enigma, be it in a positive or a negative light, truly wants to be friends with him?

"-and I thought maybe you want someone who sits next to you as a friend and not only those from other classes. I know I do and you seem like a really nice person. Besides, you could help me with tracking and I could teach you some new ways to control chakra. We don't even have to be friends I guess. We can be business partners if you're more comfortable with that."

"No, it's fine, I'd love to be your friend! But wouldn't your other friends absolutely hate my guts?"

That seems to get her to reconsider. Damn it, he should've just accepted.

"If one of them wants to do anything to you, tell me. I can assure you that they won't try again after I'm finished with them."

He smiles at her, happy that he has found a new friend in his class at last, one that sits next to him nonetheless. Maybe the theory-lessons will be less boring if he's sitting next to someone he can actually talk to without feeling awkward.

Time flies by really fast. Himari spends time with all her friends, although she mostly meets up with them separately. Her time at the academy is nearly over, after two years of boring sparring, easy chakra-exercises and the absolute horror that is kunoichi-classes.

Serving tea, proper posture and seduction. She now knows how to seduce someone. Now, normally, that would be absolutely cool and awesome, but she hasn't even had her seventh birthday yet! Granted, said birthday is next week, but still!

The only people she can seduce right now are paedophiles and she is desperately hoping she will never meet one because if she does, no codex or promise will keep her from fucking the person up and grant him the most horrible death she can think of. Which is pretty gory, considering she grew up with the internet.

So yeah. Cool skill but absolutely useless at this point in time. Maybe there are some classes she can take once she is at least fifteen?

"Team seven: Tsunade Senju, Orichimaru and Jiraiya!"

The placement is very expected but she does feel a little pang of sadness. They are all already friends, meanwhile, she will probably be placed with some side characters she hasn't even heard of.

"Team nine: Kagami Uchiha, Sakumo Hatake and Himari!"

Nevermind! How lucky she is, to be in a team with the only two other people in this class she likes, apart from the Sanin. She smiles at them, head in the clouds as she revels in her ridiculous luck. This will make her future plans easier, since she wants to pass the chunin-exams as fast as possible and well... she needs a competent team for that.

She doesn't have as much luck with her sensei, an extra she has never heard of, unspectacular in all ways but one. Fūinjutsu. The Uzumaki clan has yet to be wiped out and that becomes apparent when their sensei takes them to the academy's rooftop, flaming red hair differentiating him from the masses.

Fortuna must have blessed her today, because fūinjutsu is the only thing she is very weary of. The risk of death is high as soon as the smallest mistake is made, not to mention the ridiculous amount of chakra needed to perform techniques. Without a mentor, the risks heavily outweigh the benefits.

And so they introduce themselves, sharing dreams and dislikes, talking about many different topics. Umo is certainly something, grumpy most of the time but friendly still. He will be just the right one to suit their needs, she can feel it. And as she strolls home that evening, accompanied by Jiraiya who complains about 'Orichi-teme' once more, she feels happiness swell in her chest.

Maybe this tranquillity will be destroyed soon, maybe it will last. They are genin now, soon to be chunin, because field-promotion is a thing although she would like to take the normal route, and the battlefield is a dangerous place. Still, she knows that none of them will die, not as long as she's breathing.

Her summons will protect them when she personally can't and it's truly a blessing in times like these. How lucky she is, to have found a place for herself in the midst of war, a little space she will protect with all her might.

A little voice in her head demands blood, another orders her to continue her mission. She ignores both. She hasn't violated the oath with her actions and the Kaguya inside her has been dormant for a while, so why worry? She just wants to enjoy this.


Another chapter finished and we finally got some time-skips. They're all about 7 yo. at the moment and some important events are coming up. Don't mind the longer pause in between chapters because my muse has just completely left me and I have to do so many things (having panic-attacks, mostly).  Love you all.

Naruto is Kishimoto's toy, I'm just playing with it.

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