💀🥀 IX 🥀💀

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The shower she takes is short but nice. It's been days since she could do something for her hygiene and she must've looked very dirty.

Chiyo makes ramen that day and it's the tastiest thing Himari has had in a while. Kaguya mostly eat nutritious but disgusting food and even before her death, she ate protein-rich meals more than anything.

She's seconds away from tearing up, really. Chiyo is a relatively nice lady, meaning she doesn't try to kill Himari and lets her eat as much as she wants. The bar is a low one and yet, she can count on one hand how many people have passed.

The older woman lets her sleep at Sasori's where she resides as well. His parents are out on a mission right now and Himari doesn't want to imagine how lonely it must get. She will stay here a bit longer, she decides, at least long enough to have that fight with Sasori's bullies. It's been too quiet around her lately and she's itching for a fight, even if it is against little wannabe-ninjas.

The next morning, Sasori wakes her up. It's still early but that's when Suna is most busy. The residents make up for the time lost around the midday hours because of heat by extending hours in the morning and at night.

It's a Sunday and there's no academy, but the training-grounds are filled nonetheless. Mostly students, only the more difficult training-grounds are occupied by real shinobi, she observes. Sasori is giddy as he pulls her to his favourite place. It's under an acacia-tree, one of the only ones she's seen.

There are three people training next to it, boys, all of them. They look cocky, but do they have the skills to back it up? It would be a shame if Sasori learnt wrong katas because of their incompetence.

Two of them begin sparring and she observes. One of them has two elements, earth and wind, but the other one has wind only. they're exactly the two elements she has no amplitude for but even then, she can make a better earth-wall than this. It's harder with sand, needs more chakra, but she can manage still.

The earth-dude wins, a narrow victory. They look at Sasori now, anger on their face. They really don't like him, it seems, and Himari wonders if it's an inferiority complex. Sasori, only four years old, already shows great potential.

"Freak, here again? Who's the girl beside you, eh? How did you persuade her to come with you, threats? You must've."

She feels disgusted. Himari can rip a grown-up shinobi to shreds if she wanted too, there is no threat she can think of that would make her scared. They think she's weak and really, she's endured and proven enough that she isn't. They just don't know that.

"I actually came here on my own accords. Sasori told me about the ninjas that always train here, so I wanted to see it myself. Turns out it wasn't really worth my time. Your stances are sloppy and even I can do better wind-blades than that."

They are offended already and Himari has to suppress a laugh. Why become shinobi if you can't even handle an insult from a stranger? Anger makes you careless and you can't afford that when death could get you every second you are out on missions.

"Please, you're a girl. shouldn't you be in the kitchen right now?"

"Bold of you to assume I learnt how to cook. I spent more time on the battlefield than at home, can you say the same? If not, why don't you go to the kitchen and cook? It's an important skill of a shinobi, or so I've heard."

Is what she says but in her head, there's just 'I hope both sides of your pillow are warm tonight, you side-character' on repeat.

Their faces are already red with rage and well, this is the battle she wanted. One of them runs at her but she evades the fist with ease. They're comically slow for eight-year-olds.

"I- what? How did you do that?"

"Figure it out yourself. How about I give you the opportunity? A fight sounds great right now."

She puts on her resting-bitch face but smiles when he agrees.

"Actually, you can work on your team-work right now. How about all three of you try at once?"

it must be so maddening for their misogynistic brains when she's beat them into a pulp only a minute later. She's only used one jutsu, the rest was taijutsu. It doesn't quell her itch to fight at all, but it'll have to do. There should be no big commotion around her. She will have to leave and when the day comes, it would suck to have shinobi follow her.

Best they think of her as a normal girl. If, despite their shattered egos, the team reports this fight to someone higher up, she will pull out her best acting and destroy those mofos.

Sasori is looking at her with awe. It's nice, to have a child not afraid of her. She doesn't think of Kinoshita. Her friend's death is still ingrained into her memory. She misses her brother.

But there's nothing she can do.

"That was soo cool! You just- you just beat them without breaking a sweat! You're so cool, Himari!"

Right. She has someone else to focus on now, if only temporary.

"Was it? I can teach you some katas if you want to, but please, for the love of Katakuri's sexiness, please don't watch those people anymore. If you learn katas wrong, it is extremely time-consuming to correct them."

Sasori seems to like that idea. He jumps up and down excitedly.

"Yes please! Now come on, I wanna show you the village! Granny said it would be rude to not do that and I don't want to be rude! Mom says she doesn't like rude people!"

They leave the students behind and go on a tour. Sasori doesn't know parts of the village, but the ones he does she now knows well. The library is something worth mentioning, big and good preserved. She wants to get lost between those endless bookshelves, research things she still has no answer for and make theories.

it's something she does with a passion, making theories. It helps her make sense of things she doesn't understand even if they prove to be wrong. She likes testing those theories as well, although that has always been hard, with limited resources at her disposal.

She tells Sasori she would like to go there one day and he agrees. It's one of his hobbies, reading, but he mostly does it alone. It seems to excite him to have someone to share that passion with.

The next two months they are always together.

If only this wouldn't have to end.


Another one finished, my lovelies! How do you like it?

I originally wanted to write a fighting-scene this chapter but decided against it. It would've taken hours because believe it or not, writing that shit is hard.

Anyways, now it's time for the Suna-arc to end! A short one, certainly, but I like to think that it wasn't that bad. A bit random, maybe, but not too bad.

Naruto is Kishimoto's toy, I'm just playing with it.

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