💀🥀 X🥀💀

794 55 1

This track may or may not have inspired me to write this whole chapter in one go.

Check out Nàttùra because they literally drop bangers every fucking time.

Time to get some minor angst in this chap! My specialty, nyehehehehehe (・ิω・ิ) (▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿▀̿ ̿)


Himari has to go. It's a statement and not a question. Suna is a beautiful village and she truly enjoys the atmosphere adn scenery, but well. The war has begun and the Kazekage is looking through his citizens in search of potentual spies.

She is no spy of course, but her story wouldn't withstand closer looks of a Kage. She would most likely be imprisoned somewhere deep in the cave-system that lies beneath the city. It's elaborate and while Himari has begun drawing a map of it, she's been to busy mapping the terrain above ground.

There's thirty-seven secret pasages in total. Maybe one or two more that she hasn't found but all in all, the work she has done will surely come in handy once the time comes.

Back to her leaving. She has read books about many things and added a few new jutsus to her reportoire. Sasori has begun his years at the academy last week and it should provide enough mental stability to equalize the loss of her leaving.

He probably wouldn't even need the academy for that. Sasori's four years old for gods sake, he won't even remember her once he's grown up.

It's a thought she has to accept, no matter how much her heart protests. The little one has grown onto her, a friend and pillar in a time when she had no one else. It may have been only two months, but Himari will always think of him as someone dear to her.

That may pose a problem later on when he joins Akatsuki, but there's about fourty years until that happens so she doesn't pay it any mind.

It's three am. by the time Himari wants to leave. She's packed all her stuff into scrolls (not like she unpacked much anyways. She's always planned to leave) and stocked up on water and fruits.

There's really nothing else to do and yet she feels herself hesitating. Sasori would probably forget her soon, but until he does, he won't have a best friend. It's a sad reality in this world, many people have to be alone, but Sasori doesn't deserve it. It might be better if she used a genjutsu...


She freezes. Sasori stands in the doorway, sleepily rubbing his eyes with his sleeves. He's wearing pyjamas, of course he is, and he looks lost.


She should run right now. This has already turned out worse than anticipated, no need to mess it up more.

"I'm sorry."

She whispers and jumps out of the window, lands on the nearest roof and runs away. Himari can hear distant shouting and the clanking of weapons against a hard surface. A ninja has spotted her.

She shunshins to one of the secret passages and opens it with a light thread of chakra that connects to a small stone. Not too tricky to figure out how to get through this one, just some sensing.

Her thoughts run haywire as she sprints through the underground tunnel. There's faint light that comes from the occasional torch on the wall but all in all, it is dark. Maybe there was a way to stay after all and she just didn't see it?

It hurts her to leave the village even though she has not lived in it for more than two months. Leaving the Kaguya was a liberation; leaving Suna feels like she's entering a prison instead. A metaphorical one of course, she will never be caught for as long as she can move, she has options.

 No, it feels like her emotions force her into the corner of her mind that she hates, full of dark thoughts and broken promises of freedom and happiness.

The shinobi has already lost her tail as she opens the door into an insuspicious boulder. They're everywhere in the dessert. Maybe it's better this way, she tries to convince herself. Maybe, she would only bring Sasori more pain if she stayed. She wouldn't put it past her wretched luck.

Sasori nearly doesn't hear the 'I'm sorry' Himari whispers. She jumps. Jumps out of the window, out of the room, out of their home. He can't even follow her because he's too weak!

He shouts after her, alerting the ninja nearby but he doesn't care!

Why would she leave?! He asks himself with agony. Because he wasn't nice enough? But he tried to be nice to everyone, even the stupid classmates of his!

Maybe because he wasn't strong enough? Himari's always been so much stronger than him and he knows. No matter how hard he trains, he can't even begin to catch up! But hasn't she always told him she didn't care if he was weak or strong? Hasn't she always encouraged him to pursue anything he wants?

His best friend, his only friend, the one who would always stay with him!

Sasori doesn't know what he feels right now. Rage, sadness, betrayal, self-blame. It's all so much, way too much, he doesn't know what to do with his emotions goddamn it! Himari would know what to do, she always has, she would comfort him in a way that actually felt comforting and not the awkwardness his relative always put on display.

But Himari is gone now, gone with the wind that blows through the room in a futile attemt to calm him. He uses it to make a storm instead, twists the air in ways that are meant to destroy. A vase shatters somewhere in the house.

His teachers have always called him wise beond his years and at the time, he had actually felt proud, but now he just wishes to be as stupid as the other kids. They seem to forgive and forget so easily, as if nothing ever happened.

He knows that she's gone, he saw it in her eyes, the regretful gaze of someone who is doing something against their will. It gives him a sliver of hope, one he desperately clings to.

Maybe, he wasn't the reason she left. Maybe, someone forced her to do it. The hope turns into anger and he embraces it. His teachers said emotions are a weakness, so it's bad that Sasori can feel them more intense than anyone else he's ever met. He doesn't feel that way. His anger will make him stronger, he's sure of it.

Whoever did it will pay for making his best friend leave.

The wind calms arround a little child that sits in the rubble of what was once a house. As the child opens his eyes, it is met with the destruction it has caused. Four years old and yet so strong. The child embraces that strongness, tries to mold it into the shape of its choosing.

Maybe it won't be able to control this now, but it will one day. History will remember this child as the greatest puppet master to have ever lived. Sasori of the red sand is born in the ruins of a home he has destroyed himself and he is born with two goals in mind. But for now, he will lay low.


This is it my lovelies!

Sorry I haven't been updating recently, I just started upper school and it's already kicking my ass, especially my creativity. My muse just straight up vanished and I couldn't get a good grip on her until today.

Anygays, what do you think of the chapter? Sasori's character might be unexpected because of what you've read before in this story but believe me, I have a plan. Himari's going to Konoha now, finally. She'll meet at least one new love interest there!

I originally wanted this story to be more of a harem but I ended up only having four love-interests so does this count?

If you are interested in reverse harems (big ones. Like... 20 love interests at least) you should check out my other Naruto-fanfic as soon as it releases! I got five chapters at the moment but I want to wait until I have at least ten so it may take a while but yeah, stay pumped for that!

P.S.: Btw, if you're my therapist and you read this, please, I need another appointment! I have seen some shit and would like to bleach my eyes right now. If this reaches you, I would also like to say that I continued writing the story. I got even more lesbians in it now!

That's all I have to say for today, Bread out!

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