Quite Literally
I always meant it.
Always, always, always.
And you never believed me.
You never understood exactly who
you are to me. You never
believed it could be true.
And so in vain I tried,
but to no avail. I could
not persuade you.
But once more, I will try.
I'll try anything to convince
you at this point.
You were my role model.
I admired you for who
you were, what you did.
You were the one I followed.
So much I wanted to be like you,
but failed in each attempt.
I can't be like you, not even
as hard as in vain I've tried.
Never could someone duplicate you.
And these, my friend,
these are the reasons I both
figuratively and quite literally
look up to you.
Holding On While Letting Go
PuisiThis is a collection of poems I've been writing since September of 2013 about various topics--my life, the world, love, things that are important to me, meaningful to me. What will they mean to you, if anything at all? Will my efforts have been in v...