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I dedicate 'Our Forbidden Love 2' to my incredible boyfriend, who is making me so genuinely happy, which I haven't been for a few months now. You know who you are and I am so grateful for you in my life right now. You're so sweet and respectful towards me, just like Alex is with Starley; you 'protect' and 'defend' me from some of your friends, though you haven't had to save me from being kidnapped, thank goodness; and just like them, we can smile at each other and communicate a thousand words. Now, to accompany this dedication for you, a quote from book one from both our two favourite characters (just read them and change the pronouns. If you get it you get it, if not, it's okay):
Alex: "'She's coming into my life,' I whisper. After thinking of her all morning, I no longer think of her as odd. When I saw her this morning she was beautiful, I was just too worried about her safety. Maybe, just maybe, she's the perfect girl I've been waiting for, the one who gave the excuse for not ever having to date Madison Pillows. And secretly, I hope she is."
Starley: "'It is crazy but we can't change the feelings our brain has justified for us to feel."

When I write, I never base a character off someone and I don't give them many character traits in my planning either. I love how people can connect either themselves or someone else they're close to to one of my characters; and that's what I've done for you. I created this character called Alexander Stonal and now I've found you, someone who is just like him and I'm lucky enough to be your Starley Star-Bub. I couldn't be more happy, honestly, you're so special to me. If I lose you, I lose everything; my laugh, my smile, my happiness, everything. Quite a few scenes between Alex and Starley in this book have been based off interactions between us, and I can wait for you to read them all.

Again, thank you for making me feel true happiness again; you know who you are, you're amazing. I love you. xx

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