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Word spread quickly about the Kims defending Jimin from Jinwoon, and soon Jung Hoseok - a third-year and Jimin's roommate - was pestering him nonstop for details.

Jimin's lectures passed with boredom for the rest of the day. He spent all night studying, as per usual, and slept in till noon. At least he didn't have class that morning, allowing him to fall asleep a few hours earlier than the night before. When he finally woke up, he was shocked to find his roommate sitting at the foot of his bed, eyes wide and a smile on his face.

Hoseok, like Jimin and the Kims, was also popular among students, but for an entirely different reason. While Jimin radiated beauty and the Kims irradiated sexual appeal, Hoseok had earned his title as the friendliest boy on campus. He was officially, by the laws of the school's newspaper, the most popular student at the University. His kind nature attracted many, many friends.

Though most were toxic and took advantage of him.

But Jimin wasn't thinking that Hoseok was unattractive; that's not what he meant when he thought that Hoseok was known for his personality. 

Hoseok was pretty in his own way. With arched eyes, slim brows, and a heart smile, his long, sharp face was appealing. His floppy hair was dyed orange, which was thanks to Jimin. It was Jimin's one condition for dying his hair; Hoseok had to join him. 

Hoseok was slim and lean, with toned muscles and a strangely, bendy body. He was a dance major, like Jimin, but he could move in the most peculiar ways. 

While Jimin's specialty was contemporary, Hoseok was better with hip-hop. When he moved, it was like he had no bones, or that he was made of water. He even seemed to defy gravity sometimes.

Now Jimin sat in the living room, eating on his painfully boring protein bar while he tried to ignore Hoseok's constant pestering. 

The two had grown as close friends in such a short amount of time thanks to a lot of their shared interests. Hoseok was the only person allowed to see Jimin when he wasn't dolled up - though mostly because it was unavoidable with them living together. They'd even dropped formalities and donned nicknames for each other within the first few days of their living together. However, despite Jimin's fondness for his roommate, he couldn't deny how overwhelming Hoseok could sometimes become.

"Please," Hoseok whined slowly, tapping his foot urgently like a child.

Jimin ignored him, shoving another bite into his mouth. He kept his eyes trained on the TV, barely even watching. He was so tired. What was this even playing? A cartoon?

Jimin picked up the remote and shuffled through the channels. Beside him, Hoseok was fidgeting with impatience.

"Hey, hey!" Hoseok said, clicking his fingers in front of Jimin's face. "Are you even listening? You're like a total zombie!"

"I didn't go to bed till eight," Jimin admitted, setting down his empty wrapper. He rubbed at his eyes with the balls of his hand, yawning. What had he even eaten? It was mediocre at best.

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