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Jimin and Seokjin spent as long as they could at Jimin's apartment, stalling. 

They sat and watched some lame movie provided by cable and chatted. Though both of them were fairly reluctant to reveal anything too personal about themselves, they learned a healthy amount about one another.

Jimin learned that Seokjin was a business major, with a double minor in cooking and acting.

"How do those three go together?" Jimin laughed.

Seokjin just smiled. "It's good to keep your options open if you can."

Jimin confessed he was a dance major, like his roommate Hoseok, with a minor in music production. He hoped to one day perform professionally, which was why he was so eager to leave a mark on this campus (he didn't admit that latter portion, though.)

Since neither one of them was willing to talk about family life, the conversation spun off of their degrees. 

The chat was rather enjoyable. It was average; it was the first sense of normalcy Jimin had gotten from the Kims. It was like a breath of fresh air, and he couldn't help but admit that he and Seokjin got along well. The conversation they shared was smooth and easy, and to at all awkward. The two could've become friends.

But then noon struck. Jimin bit his lip while he listened to Seokjin talk about one of the cooking classes he was enjoying, and how he'd soon be hired as an intern at a nearby restaurant for the experience required to graduate. He wondered how to tell the older, who seemed quite relaxed, that they needed to go before Hoseok returned from his class.

Seokjin must've caught the look in Jimin's eye, because he quickly wrapped up his story and then asked, "We have to leave, don't we?"

Jimin nodded. "Sorry. I know we were talking, but Hobi will be back soon. And, as I said, he's pretty nosy."

Seokjin hesitated. "Maybe we should eat lunch first."

"I'm not hungry," was Jimin's automatic response, but he didn't like the side-eye Seokjin gave him. 

Seokjin sighed a bit, his expression taking on a bit of stress. But then, he closed his eyes and exhaled through his thick lips. When his eyes opened again, his aura had taken on the usual one full of dominance that Jimin was used to.

Jimin shuddered. He hadn't even realized how much Seokjin had dialed back his sensual demeanor. It must've unwound while they were talking. 

Jimin recoiled a bit, noticing that his own mask that he displayed to others was also gone. He truly only let his younger brother, and recently, Hoseok, see him so laid back and casual. See him so... real.

Jimin glanced at Seokjin, who arose from the couch to stretch, through the corner of his eye. He thought back to the way Jin had looked at him on the bus. The way they looked deep into another's eyes. The way Seokjin practically read him before Jimin cut off his access.

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