twenty nine

59 3 0

"What a coincidence, eh?" Jungkook said cheerfully, his hands smoothly gliding his steering wheel around as they made a turn. "What're the odds of me being your driver twice in a row?"

Jimin nodded and forced a smile, but said nothing in response. He kept his chin perched on his fist, leaning against the passenger window as he stared out into the world that had begun to be blanketed by rain.

How fitting. The weather fit right in with Jimin's attitude.

Jimin had barely been a few blocks on his way back to campus from Taehyung's house when it began to sprinkle. A quick glance at his phone told him there was a thunderstorm rapidly making its way north, where he was. And as much as the rain suited his mood, he wasn't in the mood to get showered on.

With no nearby bus stops, Jimin paused to order the closest driver on his app to pick him up and take him the rest of the way back to school. It was about a ten-minute ride by motorcycle, so just a bit more than that by car. Better than the near-twenty minutes of walking in a downpour. 

Funnily enough, it was Jungkook's car that slid in front of the curb to pick Jimin up. As nice as it was to see a kind face, Jimin wasn't in the mood to socialize. He'd just found out that whatever love he thought had sprung was nothing more than a game. One that he'd been specifically warned about by Seokjin.

However, like an idiot, Jimin didn't listen. He felt for the beautiful and smooth words of Kim Taehyung. And so here he was, paying the price. 

Jungkook seemed to sense Jimin's need for silence, because he complied with the unspoken request and didn't say anything else. He even switched off the radio, letting the pattering of the rain be the only sound. He tapped his thumb awkwardly on the wheel, but resisted the urge to speak despite the tension.

After a short while, Jungkook slid into the parking lot before Jimin's dorm building and parked. Jimin stared blankly ahead, debating how long he could be still before the situation grew weird. It was strange how heavy his body felt. It was as if all his limbs were refusing to do any movement. All of it felt too difficult.

Was this what heartbreak was? He'd only been in love for a few weeks. But... those few weeks were so precious. Jimin had finally been learning what it meant to be loved and cared about. Learned what it was like to be worth something to someone. Was learning to be happy not just with someone else, but with himself. 

But now it was ripped from him. And Jimin was left with the truth he'd lived with his whole life.

That he was unlovable and worthless.

Jimin jumped as a hand landed on his shoulder, darting toward the source. 

Jungkook jerked back, startled by Jimin's reaction. He held his hand up in surrender. "Sorry! I didn't mean to alarm you. You didn't move so I figured you'd spaced out."

"Ah," Jimin replied with a little bob of his head. "I did zone out a little. Sorry."

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