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Jimin blasted out of the library as if he were on fire, going as fast as his legs could carry him. He didn't slow until he reached the safety of the outside campus grounds and the crowd of other students. There, he collected his bearings, laying his hand over his thrumming heart and schooling his facial features into neutrality.

His breathing calmed to a normal rhythm. The blush drained from his face. His speed-walk slowed to a bold strut, completed with a sway of his hips and his hands swinging freely by his sides. He tossed his hand through his hair, his panicked expression melting into a sexy, confident smirk.

He felt people turn to look at him. He felt the eyes staring down every inch of his body. He heard conversations stop mid-sentence just so they could stare at him. And, just like that, he felt so much better. Recharged, returned. At ease and confident in his own skin. In control of the situation.

Jimin sighed through his nose, tipping his head back as he breathed in the fresh air. He spread his arms, bringing them over his head and bending them at the elbow, then returning his hands to his sides by smoothly running them down his front.

This was who he was; this was the real Park Jimin. He exhaled from his mouth, the grin on his face now very real. Yes, he would take the Kims up on their strange contract. And he'd use this opportunity to teach them to sit and obey like the dogs they were.


Speaking of dogs in need of obedience...

Jimin strolled onto the open courtyard where students were eating an early dinner or studying after class, himself having just finished his last one of the day. He ignored everyone as they turned to stare, his eyes scanning the scattered clique of people, looking for one person in particular. Easily enough, his eyes landed on a blob of floppy orange hair. Bingo.

Jimin's eyes narrowed as he swaggered toward his roommate.

Hoseok looked up just in time, someone else's food hovering just outside his mouth. He moved to raise his hand in greeting, but then beheld Jimin's expression and his face turned to panic. Even from several yards away, Jimin heard Hoseok mutter, "Oh, no."

Before Hoseok could even try to slip away, Jimin glided his arm through his friend's a bit too tightly. In a sickeningly sweet voice, Jimin purred to Hoseok's friends, "You mind if I borrow him?" Not waiting for an answer, Jimin tugged Hoseok away.

As quickly as Jimin could haul Hoseok off without losing his composure, the two ended up inside a nearby public restroom. Unveiling the calm, collected mask, Jimin hurled Hoseok forward, folding his arms and leaning against the exit door.

"Spare me," Hoseok pleaded, whipping around and finding Jimin blocking his only escape.

Jimin shook his head slowly. "Oh, no honey. You really left me alone there, with Kim Taehyung at the door? Some friend you are!"

"You don't get it!" Hoseok whined defensively. "They're... They've... They scare me!" He crossed his arms self-consciously, shuddering. "I wouldn't expect you to understand."

Jimin froze, remembering the way Seokjin towered over him in the library, the explicit threat behind his words. His skin crawled at the mere memory. "I do understand, though."

Hoseok glanced at Jimin, a smile on his lips. "No way! I thought no one ever intimidated the Park Jimin!" He paused, his grin falling as he beheld the true fear in Jimin's eyes. "Hey... Are you serious? Are- are you okay?"

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