twenty two

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Namjoon was in his first class of the day when a text came in.

you snooze you lose wus

11:12 am

It was from Taehyung. 

Namjoon's lips drew back in a sneer. He knew exactly what Taehyung meant by throwing his own words back in his face.

Taehyung somehow knew about Namjoon's growing feelings for Jimin. He also knew it would take him a few days to sort out his emotions before he pursued Jimin, if he decided to do so at all. 

So Taehyung decided to beat him to it. And that made Namjoon feel extremely deep resentment and anger not only for Taehyung, but also for himself.

Namjoon and Taehyung had similar tastes in nearly everything. It was the reason why they couldn't get along. Both of their personalities were too dominant for them to calmly share ideals, especially when it came to lovers. It was why Taehyung was always so irritated with Namjoon all the time; because Namjoon ended up sleeping with someone Taehyung was interested in. Taehyung couldn't handle his loss maturely.

It didn't take long for Namjoon's crush to develop on Jimin. It started when they first met in the library room. Initially, Namjoon had no intrigue because he hated how early he had to rise to join the occasion. However, when Jimin confidently voiced how unfair he felt the contract was, then proceeded to demand it be changed. Well, Namjoon had felt an interest like never before. 

The next day, when Namjoon was the first to play with Jimin, he knew that Jimin would be perfect for him. Not just under the oath of the contract, but as a partner for Namjoon to truly enjoy being with. 

Sexy. Beautiful. Absolutely perfect. 

Namjoon wanted more and he wanted it all for himself.

Lust for Jimin. Lust for his body. The lines blurred. He wanted to introduce the idea of romance to Jimin, but one thing held him back: Jimin's home life.

Taehyung came rushing to him and Seokjin one day, eyes wide as he told them the bruising Jimin had donned on his back. How Jimin explained his stepbrother gave it to him. How Jimin claimed it was an accident, but Taehyung heavily doubted it. 

"How do we help him?" Taehyung had asked. "It's in the contract! We're supposed to protect him!"

"Unfortunately, we can't go busting into his household and beating up his family members," Seokjin had sighed after listening to Taehyung's tangent. "Even if it's a lie, Jimin said that he is fine. If he says that he doesn't need protection, then we can't just go around hurting people for his sake."

"So, what?" Taehyung demanded, throwing his arms in a wide gesture. "We're going to let him get beat up by his brother whenever he has to go home?"

"Well, I supposed we could indirectly protect him," Seokjin said, crossing his arms. He looked over. "Joon, any ideas?"

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