twenty seven

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The sun was setting.

Jimin peeled his eyes open, Taehyung's room and smell being unveiled to him. He looked over, seeing that he was curled into Taehyung's front. Their legs were tangled under the sheets.

The afternoon before their nap had been so lovely. It was the third time they'd been together fully, roughly a week after Jimin argued with Namjoon.

After their fight, Jimin immediately saw Taehyung again the next day. They'd secretly squeezed more time together again until Seokjin had his turn a few days later. Then, yesterday, Jimin had been with Namjoon again -- where Namjoon seemed to be in a bit of better spirits than the last time. 

Then, like clockwork at this point, once Namjoon's turn was up Taehyung demanded Jimin's time (not like Jimin minded at this point.)

Jimin sighed contently. Just before falling asleep, when Jimin and Taehyung had cuddled tightly into one another, Jimin decided he was ready to try being with Taehyung. Whatever dates they had been on before felt right, as if what they had would work. He was ready to give it a shot. He was ready to have Taehyung be his, and to be Taehyung's as well.

Taehyung's arm, placed underneath Jimin's weight, was laid against his back. His fingers drew small, reassuring circles on Jimin's back. 

Jimin lifted his head, looking at the beautiful face of Taehyung. Taehyung moved when Jimin did and their eyes met. Taehyung broke into a wide, heartfelt smile. 

"Sleep well, love?" Taehyung hummed, and Jimin's heart fluttered. He wouldn't mind waking to this every morning. Taehyung's voice was thick with sleep.

Jimin nodded. "I didn't dream, which is a relief."

"Unpleasant dreams?" Taehyung asked, his brows pulling together.

Jimin bobbed his head again. "I dream of the ocean a lot. It always wants to swallow me."

He didn't know why he said that. That dream was quite personal to him. He didn't like talking about it. Yet, for some reason, he wanted Taehyung to know. Wanted to tell Taehyung that, even in his waking life, Jimin left like the ocean was always threatening to sweep him away and drown him. 

"I'm sorry, my love," Taehyung said, shifting onto his back and using his arm to pull Jimin close. "Should I ever catch you in the middle of one, how about I kiss you awake?"

Jimin blushed, murmuring that he liked that idea. He snuggled into Taehyung's side, resting one arm on his chest. His eyes trailed down, appreciating the smooth curves, dips, hills, and plains that made up Taehyung's glorious body.

His gaze moved further, caught on a few ridges near Taehyung's pelvis. He'd seen them a few times now, starting back in the evening when they first went all the way, but Jimin was too distracted with lust to notice anything odd. Yet, now that he looked at them --

Jimin shot up, blurting, "Taehyung!" 

Taehyung sat up as well, alarmed and looking around. "W-what?! What's wrong?"

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