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Park Jimin did not pretend that he didn't notice the way he was stared at. In fact, he relished the attention he received while simply making his way down the hall. Even one week later, he was still in the spotlight of the University. And that was saying a lot since the whole college held over 4,000 students in its system.

That was a lot of eyes. And all of them were on him, watching his every move and admiring his every inch.

Jimin strutted down the hall with a confident swish of his hips, even daring to meet some of the gazes on him, winking a few of them.

Girls giggled and whispered in their cliques as he passed, fluttering their lashes and blushing if they somehow managed to catch his attention.

Some guys stared in awe, gawking at the new student whose popularity soared within the first day he turned up for class. Others glared with jealousy, gnashing their teeth as Jimin stole the attention and flattery from both teachers and students alike.

But no one dared approach him, whether they liked him or not. Jimin was untouchable. The first guy who tried to pick a fight found himself on his knees, gasping for breath as his hands clutched his aching belly within seconds of laying a hand on Jimin. After that, Jimin's stern gaze was enough to send bullies running with their tails between their legs.

All except one, of course.

Speak of the devil. Stopping outside his lecture hall, Jimin found himself stumbling forward suddenly as he was shoved from behind. He regained his balance and whipped around, not surprised to find none other than Kang Jinwoon, Jimin's personal harasser.

For some reason, Kang Jinwoon couldn't resist any urge to pick a bone with Jimin. Calling names, throwing wads of paper at his head during class, tripping him in the hall. Jinwoon's bullying was constant. And, seeing as the jerk was the son of the Headmaster, Jimin couldn't work up the nerve to risk hurting Jinwoon. Just because he was in the right in defending himself, Jinwoon was even more untouchable than Jimin was with his dad running the University.

Jimin shouldered his bag further and crossed his arms. "What do you want now?"

Jinwoon broke into a big, ugly grin. "Hey, fat-boy," he said by way of greeting, sneering. Jimin's eyes narrowed. He would never admit it, but something dark and ugly stirred in his consciousness at the calling Jinwoon loved to use. It was the one word that got under Jimin's skin. "Been a good boy?"

Around the two, most of the students had already cleared the hallway or stood around awkwardly to watch, making barely an effort to pretend that they weren't.

Glancing around Jinwoon's lean figure, Jimin spotted someone standing off to the side. It was Min Yoongi, another one of Jinwoon's targets. Yoongi, a fourth-year student, was nothing but something for Jinwoon to pick on when no one else was around. Despite this, he still followed Jinwoon like a puppy, always trailing his shadow with a sad sort of silence. Actually, a slave was a better word; he took every command and verbal abuse with a nod of his head.

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