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He pushed open the door of the public bathroom for this floor's residents. Inside, the mirrors lined up on the wall across from him were foggy with heated evaporation.

"Hobi?" he called, his voice echoing. "You in here?"

There was no answer. Jimin was tempted to leave until he could hear sloshing. Water lapping over itself in a closed container. There was only one tub per restroom on each of the floors. 

Jimin stepped inside and rounded the stalls that made up the showers, heading for the back where the bathtub was. The curtain was drawn across. Jimin sidled up to it and called Hoseok's name again.

There was no reply. Holding his breath, Jimin peaked. 

Someone was indeed inside the full tub. It was Hoseok!

"Oh, thank god," Jimin breathed, a hand over his heart. "I was worried I was about to see someone else naked. It'd be embarrassing if it weren't you, but I couldn't find you so I just wanted to check. I -- Hobi, why are you fully dressed in the bath?"

Hoseok opened his eyes. Rolled his head to look up at Jimin. His expression was bored, almost lifeless. Jimin stepped back in alarm. He recognized that expression. He'd seen it once before.

Not again...

Jimin knelt on the tiled floor, his knees soaking from the spilled water, and laid his hands on the ledge. In a very calm voice, he said, "Why don't you come out now, hm?"

"I'm cleaning myself," Hoseok mumbled tiredly, turning his attention to his hands in the water. He flexed his fingers and Jimin saw how wrinkled his skin had grown over time. 

"I think you're clean enough," Jimin said. He dipped his hand in the water, wrapping his fingers around Hoseok's wrist. "C'mon now."

"Leave me be," Hoseok said, tugging his arm away. "I want to be alone."

"I think that's the last thing you need," Jimin insisted, "regardless of what you want."

"What do you know?" Hoseok mumbled. It wasn't mean. Just defensive.

"I know that the last time I saw you sink this low, you almost burned down a building." Also not mean, but factual. 

Hoseok scoffed. "I dunno what you're talking about."

Jimin sighed, shaking his head. "Hobi, let's not play these games. Tell me why you're really in the tub."

"You wanna know?" Sad, empty eyes met Jimin's. Sad, empty eyes that Jimin had seen before and had come to regard with deep concern. A dead, sarcastic smile followed. "I'm trying to get the courage to drown."

Jimin felt a crushing weight flatten his heart. In a shaky voice, he asked, "Why didn't you call me? You shouldn't be alone during moments like this, Hobi."

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