twenty eight

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"Heya!" Jimin greeted with a bright and confident smile, walking up to Taehyung's younger siblings and playing along with the game. "I'm Park Jimin!"

"Prince Jimin," Taehyung said, sweeping his arms in a grand gesture, "please meet Princess Eonjin and Grand Knight Junggyu."

"Nice to meet you both," Jimin said politely. He bowed toward Junggyu perched on Taehyung's shoulders. "Grand Knight, is that right? What a high title, sir! I can only imagine how brave and loyal you are."

Junggyu grinned, his lips tightening around his sucker as he nodded his head vigorously. He hit his hands on Taehyung head in a fit of excitement, squealing with delight.

Taehyung's head tilted. As well as Jimin hid it, he caught a bit of hesitation from the other. He wondered if forcing Jimin to meet his siblings made him uncomfortable. He wanted to slap himself; he didn't even ask if Jimin was okay with this!

Jimin knelt onto one knee as he looked now to Eonjin. He held his hand out to her, which she grasped with her own. He smoothly brought her knuckles to his lips and gave her a gentle, royal-like kiss.

"It's an honor to be in the presence of such a beautiful princess," Jimin said as he held her gaze and flashed her a white-toothed smile.

Eonjin swooned, bounding to Jimin and throwing her small arms around his neck. "Prince Min Min!" she announced boldly. "I order you to marry me!"

"En grade, little sister!" Taehyung slipped Junggyu off his shoulders, then slid between Eonjin and Jimin. He held his arms in a demonstration as if he were pointing a sword at her. "Prince Jimin is already betrothed to me! You shall not have him if I have any say!"

"The Prince is marrying the King?" Eonjin gasped. She stamped her foot and pointed at her younger brother. "I demand a duel! Ggyu, fight for me! The winner gets the Prince!"

"A duel you shall have!" Taehyung replied, then made a great move as if sweeping his invisible sword back into its holster. "But after you've eaten."

Eonjin whined in dismay at the same moment that Junggyu cheered, his hands pumping the air in victory.

"If you two wash up quickly and wait patiently while I cook," Taehyung bribed with a slow smile, "maybe there'll be a desert waiting after dinner."

The two siblings gasped dramatically. They exchanged glances and grinned - they both had the same boxy smile as their older brother - and took off toward the bathroom.

When the door was closed behind them in the washroom, Jimin pushed himself to his feet and folded his arms across his chest. Taehyung spun to face Jimin, the playful look replaced with concern.

Before Taehyung could speak, Jimin arched a brow and robbed, "So... Irene is pretty cute, huh?"

Taehyung blinked. Then shrugged. "I supposed. I haven't really noticed."

Jimin pouted in disbelief. "Seriously? I know you have an aversion to girls, but you can at least appreciate beauty, can't you?"

"Of course I can," Taehyung replied. "I appreciate you every day."

Jimin fought against the blush that rose in his face, sputtering, "Y-you know what I mean."

"Park Jimin, you aren't jealous are you?" Taehyung's brow curved in mischief.

"Of course not! I was just making a statement that your babysitter is quite cute and I know that you aren't tied to me directly, but I just couldn't ignore how she --"

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