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That moment was when Taehyung finally decided to pull back. All too soon, when Jimin's breathing was ragged, his thighs were clenched, his heart pounding, and every inch of his body was screaming for Taehyung to continue... to finish...

With nothing to support his trembling body, Jimin slumped to the floor with a breathless huff. Completely overrun with embarrassment, Jimin covered his face with his hands.

"You're a mess?" Taehyung demanded with a soft scoff, though his eyes were alight with amusement. "That wasn't anything, baby doll. Oh, now I can't wait for Namjoon and Jin to get their hands on you!"

Jimin scowled, glaring up at the other through his fingers. He dropped his hands, puffing out his chest as he tried to regain some of his dignity. He thought he could take that moment in stride, but Jimin truly had no idea what (or, rather, who) he was dealing with.

"You're just going to leave me like this?" Jimin asked sharply, his face still flushed red.

Taehyung arched one brow, delight dancing in his gaze. "What? You're going to have to get used to being thrown around. Finish it off yourself. Besides, that was just a warm-up. It's not fair to us if you get the full show when you haven't signed the contract yet." 

Jimin caught the yet at the end. The Kims, or at least Taehyung, seemed certain Jimin would do it. Jimin was becoming less and less confident in doing so by the minute.

He sighed, glancing down. Maybe a little cold water to the face would calm him...

"Speaking of which," Taehyung continued, clicking his tongue, "meet us back in the same room as before, same time tomorrow. We'll handle the contract then."

Without looking up, Jimin muttered. "You're so certain I'll sign?"

Taehyung smirked. A few seconds passed and Jimin looked up in time to see the door of the bathroom closing and Taehyung nowhere in sight.

Self-conceited jerk, Jimin sulked in his head.

He stumbled to his feet, switching on one of the sinks and splashing icy water on his face. Despite the freezing temperature...

Calm down, Jimin ordered himself. Calm down!


Jimin's fingertips brushed over his lips, the echo of Taehyung's skin still prominent in his memory.

Jimin tossed more water on himself, but the cold water was much, much slower than the heat of his body. 

"OH, DEAR GOD!" Jimin cried, shutting off the faucet and bursting into one of the bathroom stalls. The door slammed closed with a bang! behind him. He sat down on the lid of the toilet and glared down at himself.

With a dejected sigh, Jimin grabbed his zipper.

"What?" he demanded. A soft, instinctive sigh escaped his lips as freedom was granted. He pulled his boxers out of the way, grumbling, "Don't act like you're not in trouble after acting up like that! Who knew you were so sensitive?" 

When there was no reply, Jimin grumbled. "Whatever. Next time, try to hold yourself together. We have a long way to go, and we haven't even started yet." 

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