Chapter 15 - Taboo (Emily POV)

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It had been over a year since I last visited my family at the BAU when I received notification that Hotch was being sent on a temporary assignment and requested me while he was away. I quickly accepted his request, knowing it would also be a temporary arrangement. I packed quickly, intending to leave on the next flight out. Candice stood in the doorway of our bedroom; arms crossed watching me pack "Why didn't we discuss this?" "What?" I said not turning away from the closet. "You? Leaving? There wasn't even a conversation. Just you announcing that you were returning to the BAU." She snapped. That stopped me in my tracks, Candice was hardly ever short with me. "Sweetie, they're my—" "Family. I know Em. You tell me all the time but what about me? I'm your family too!" Her voice was harsh. Dropping the clothes I pulled out onto the bed I walked over to her. She glanced at her feet when I reached up my hand, placing it on her shoulder tenderly "Look, I didn't really have much of a choice. Hotch was pulled off suddenly, and while yes, I should have talked about it more with you, but it's only temporary." She sighed "I'm going to miss you." I smiled lifting her chin so I could look into her eyes "I know, I'll miss you too. But let's not spend our night together mad... Do you want to help me pack?" Candice rolled her eyes before pulling me into a kiss "You know..." she whispered smirking at me "I think I have a better idea."

Next thing I know it was early Monday morning and I was waiting in the elevator of the BAU with a box of donuts. The doors open and I hurried my way into the bullpen to see JJ sitting at her desk franticly typing away at her keyboard "Some things never change!" I said walking towards her with a smile. JJ's mouth hug open as she jumped up to meet me "Hey you!" she sang excitedly bringing me in and planting a friendly kiss on my cheek. "Welcome back!!" I heard from Spencer as he wrapped me up in a hug "Donuts! Wait did you happen to get—" I cut him off "Chocolate frosted with sprinkles? Yes. How could I forget your favorite?" I giggled as he ripped into the box. JJ tiled her head glancing into the box before back at me "It is so great to see you," Spencer handed her a donut "Even if it's only temporary." "Well, when Hotch told me the director tapped him for special assignment I wanted to help out." "Lewis is going to be sorry she missed you" Spencer commented. I meet SSA Tara Lewis the last time I was stateside, the team was helping me track down a copycat killer that had escaped our grasp, resulting in the death of an Interpol detective.

All of that aside I got acquainted with the newest team member, Luke Alvez, in the most awkward way. Casually profiling him out loud using my limited knowledge of his past military experience and lack of personal belongings on his desk. After going on for way to long I finally got the hint "He's behind me isn't he" I said in the most cliché way. I could practically see JJ ready to crawl out of her skin as Spencer tried to save the conversation "Luke Alvez, meet Emily Prentiss." I turned out embarrassed "Hey. Nice to meet you." "Hey." He responded grasping my outstretched hand. Spencer spoke up once again "Emily used to be a part of our team, and now she's the unit chief for Interpol in London." JJ held back a laugh "Yeah, she's agreed to help us out while Hotch is off on a TDY and Lewis works on her research." "I'm also on temporary duty, so I'll be in and out. I'll be working on and off" Emily shut up "I'm on today, obviously. I'm just—I'm really happy that I could, uh," you're not making this better "Come back, you know, and help—Truth be told it's pretty hard to resist putting the band back together again, so..." I turned around glancing at JJ "Yeah, so, I'm here to help." Luke looked down at me and smiled "Well we have a lot on our plate." Just then I could see Garcia rushing towards the roundtable room, everyone could hear her whispering "oh dear, oh dear, oh dear" as she went past. "Speaking of which, looks like we have a case!" JJ said turning our attention away from the awkward spectacle I just put on. Thank god. Saved by the bell.

I held back for a moment with JJ as Spencer and Luke followed Garcia. JJ placed a hand on my shoulder "Prentiss you should know better than to profile your coworkers!" laughing I rolled my eyes following behind the other agents. I heard Garcia gasp before I saw her "Hey Garcia" I said bringing her in for a hug "You really are here! It's a dream come true!" she said holding me tightly. Rossi just had to ask if I had met Luke "Oh, yeah, we just met." He replied back smirking. I could feel my cheeks starting to heat up and I smiled awkwardly, again, as I sat down between Spencer and JJ. Garcia presented the case, a single mother found sealed in a metal barrel at an illegal dump sight. After Garcia's rundown the team headed to the jet to continue brainstorming during the flight. Another victim was found before we landed, Rossi decided he and I should go to the newest crime scene. "So, you still enjoying driving on the left side of the road?" Rossi asked as we got out of the car "Yeah London's good." I grinned"And Candice? She treating you right? 'Cause if not, you give me the word." He said in a fatherly tone. The rest of the team found out about Candice on my last trip down. I had to give props to Garcia, she was always able to find out the juicy details. "Thanks, Rossi, we're very happy. What about you and Hayden, you still going strong?" He gave me a smirk and a wink "And then some," I let out a 'impressed' wow before the lead detective at the scene walked up and we got to work.

The case wasn't an easy one, each of the victims were single moms with boys under 13. JJ and I had to talk to the first victim's son, I felt my heart ache seeing JJ talk to the young boy. We worked the profile until we finally caught a break. A repair man using the women as a type of surrogate for his anger after finding out who he thought was his sister, was actually his mom. Garcia sent his home and work addresses to our phones and we were on our way. Rossi dove Luke and I to the unsubs house as JJ and Spencer headed off to his work site. We made it just in time, finding the unsub attempting to smother his 'mom' in the same kind of concrete mixture the way he did the first victims. Luke tackled the unsub when he fled, I arrested him, and we were home by nightfall. Not a bad first case back, by all means.

JJ and I were leaning against her desk making plans "Hey Alvez, we're heading over to the bar. Do you want to come?" I asked. He politely declined "Thanks, I have some work I want to finish up." He said looking down at a file. Garcia walked in "Alright! Let's get this show on the road! This lady needs to get her drink on!" She laughed glancing at Luke "Not that I need a drink. On occasion I have one, maybe two. Three if it's not a school night, and not on and empty stomach and not when I drive. I don't drink and drive!" Luke laughed at her long-winded rant. It was nice seeing the two of them playfully bicker, as much as Garcia will deny it, I know she misses Derek, and it seems like Luke may be filling that void for the time being. "Did I say anything?" He questioned "No. I just— I don't want to feel your judgey mcJudgerson looks on me as I daintily sip my Mai Tai" JJ went to break up the cat fight. "Hey, he's not joining us." She said trying to herd Garcia away "Oh in that case never mind." Garcia quipped following JJ to the elevator. "Stay safe ladies!" He yelled as they walked away "Oh guys 30 more seconds and I promise we're out of here." I said watching them get into the elevator. "Hey, nice work today." I complimented like "Thank. You too." He replied with a soft smile. We talked for a few more moments before I finally said goodbye and met JJ waiting with Garcia down at the cars. 

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