Chapter 33 - Find her (Emily POV)

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The sun had long set outside of the station as the team and I sat around, combing through the newest information we had. I had left to get coffee from the breakroom and upon returning, a coffee cup in each hand I looked around trying to set my eyes on JJ. "Hey, where's JJ?" I asked directing my question towards Reid. His eyes shot up from the papers he was sorting "You mean she's not with you?" "No!" I yelled a little getting concerned "She said she was going to call Henry before he went to bed, but that was hours ago." I said glancing at the clock on the wall. Reid and I locked eyes one more time before moving, he rushed out his chair, following his lead setting the coffees on the table and rushing out the front door. The parking lot was silent, I could see my breath in the cold. Running one hand through my hair and the other over my phone I dialed JJ. 'god-damnit pick up JJ.' I thought listening to the ring echo from the speakers. Reid's rushed movements caught my eye, 'You've reached SSA Jennifer Jareau, leave a message.' I heard before hanging up. "What are you doing?" I asked, Reid digging around in the bushes "Call her phone again." My heart sank as I redialed her number, holding the phone away from my ear this time I began praying Reid was wrong, just once. My prayers went unanswered as Reid pulled a vibrating phone from the bushes 'Em' could be seen flashing across the scene.

Gathering the team in the station we threw around ideas. Garcia managed to find security footage of a white van pulling away from the station around the time JJ would've been out there. "All those cops and not a single one saw a damn thing!" I said frustratingly after interviewing the last officer. Rossi was sat at the table, clothes a little more wrinkled than what I was use to seeing "Well find her Emily..." He said softly "How! We have no leads!" The teams heads all turned towards my outburst. Rossi looked at me standing up "Come on, let's take a drive." I quietly nodded and followed him out the SUV. Hours had passed since JJ first came up missing, and my head was spinning knowing that she could possibly be somewhere dead while were here twiddling our thumbs.

Rossi took the drivers seat "How about some coffee?" he asked driving out of the lot. It was almost 3am and I hated to admit it but I was exhausted "Sounds great. Anything's better than that watered down stuff at the station..." Rossi chucked at my comment "It is quite awful, isn't it." Driving in silence, we finally settled on picking up coffee from some drive-thru near the station "You're right, it is better than what's at the station." Rossi said after taking a sip "Not by much." He pulled the car under a streetlamp in the restaurants parking lot, putting it in park. We sat in silence for a few minutes, grateful for the time to be able to clear my head and think without eyes on me. "Thanks for this." "No problem Prentiss. We can all use a break every now and then..." We didn't have a chance to start driving back to the station before my phone rang, "Prentiss."

"So this is what it takes to get the famous Emily Prentiss's attention..." said a mans voice. I immediately turned the phone on speaker and eyed Rossi "Who is this?" I asked "Oh so you still haven't figured it out... Shame." Rossi was already on the phone with Garcia asking if she could trace my call "I'm the one who's going to take your whole world away from you." A shiver shot up my spine "How about we meet somewhere and talk?" I was trying to get him to stay on the phone, his slight accent was familiar to me but I couldn't pinpoint it. "No. Time for talking is over, but I believe the blonde wanted to say a few words." My heart beat was echoing in my ears as the phone shuffled around "Em?" "JJ are you okay?" I asked desperately. "No. You were suppose to be watching me." Was the last thing I heard before a click ended the call. "Anything Garcia?" Rossi asked "No! No it was a burner phone. The call wasn't long enough for me to get anything exact but I did pull an approximate location."

"Start pulling up abandoned warehouses in the area." Rossi said sternly "Sir, I'm sorry that's a lot of addresses. Even with the full force of the FBI we wouldn't be able to clear them all for another couple of hours." Garcia replied "Don't bother." I stated coldly. Rossi turned glancing between me and road "I know his voice." "Who is he?" "I don't know!" I yelled. Rossi pulled to the side of the road and threw the car in park "Think! Who would do this? Who has it out for you so badly they would risk abducting an FBI agent!" Rossi yelled. "You were suppose to be watching me..." I mumbled repeating JJ's words when it hit me "Garcia! I need any information you can pull on a Matthew L. Hulland." I could hear Garcia's keys tapping loudly again from the phone "Uh Matthew L. Hulland, he's 43 years old, lived abroad in London during college. Settled there shortly after graduating and returned to the states with his daughter after the passing of his wife Louise Hulland." She spit out "That's the detective I lost on the case before I came to you guys for a consult." I stammered out "He blamed me for his wife's death. She agreed to pose as a trap for the killer we we're trying to hunt down... Somewhere during the night she went off without me... I found her, dying... I tried to help her but the Unsub attacked me and got away."

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