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Recap : Manik and Nakul talks..


Malhotra mansion:

Nakul and his dadi has been staying in Malhotra mansion since a week as Manik has Nakul custody. 

Nakul bas bonded too good with all the ladies and they are now very fond of their Chotu. 

At Manik study ,

Manik was standing infront of a white board which has lot of scribbling related to the case and opposite to him,  we can see three ppl looking famished. 

Manik has been discussing since two hrs with them  about the case from the beginning and keep in pondering on how to reach the culprit.

Yet all the clue they got before lead them to a blunt end. They couldn't find anything about mask man. 

According to the world, Mr. RohanMalhotra was dead,  only a few know that he was alive and still behind this Malhotra's. They have to find him at any cost before he even think of hurting one of them.

All were confused and depressed about the fact of no clue. At the same time nyonika entered the room,  she had been calling them since 5 mins from downstairs,  yet nobody came leaving her no choice to reach the study. 

She could see the frowns on her sons face which is not a pleasant site to watch. She settled infront of them and Manik just lay his head on her lap sitting on the floor. 

Nyonika : kyq hua bacho

Manik: kuch Nahi..  Aap chodo

Nyonika : so now u all are grownup and won't share with your mom.. Isn't it manu

Maddy : mumma,  it's not like that.  we just don't want to stress you anymore.  Don't worry mumma

Nyo: How can I not worry when all I can see is frowns on my handsome sons face.  ( with some cute face)

All chuckled at her

Aswath: As we all know,  now the mask man is Rohan Malhotra,  he is still behind our family, we couldn't just find any clue to reach him and get him red handed.   We have thought in all possible ways about this but yet we are lacking in something.  We have to find a way at any cost. 

He rubbed his forehead being frustrated with the fact and Nyo was listening to him patiently.  She knew everything about the case already.

Nyo: Bacho,  let me tell you all something.

"Sometime we never feel the importance of things when it is always on our vision,  we give importance to something which is at distant and lose ourselves in that.  "

So look at your nearest possible thing before looking in distant. 

Manik was listening to her with his eyes closed , suddenly something struck his mind and he opens his eyes immediately.  He looked relieved and he kissed her cheeks.

All were looking at him like alien but Nyo understood that he caught her point. She smiled and reminded them to come downstairs for lunch. 

After Nyo went down,  manik explained his plan to everyone and all had a satisfying smile. 

Post lunch,  Manik took Nakul to his room.  Yes , Nakul was his final clue bcoz he was the person who was linked to this case at the last. 

Nakul: Bhai Kya hua ?

Manik: Nakul,  bhai need your help,  will u help me

Nakul: Ofc bhai. Is that even a question

Manik: Chotu,  kindly think and tell me.  They blindfolded you while taking to that mask person right ?

Nakul nodded as yes. 

Did u remember any sounds or the way they were travelling like any u turn, slide Path, like that.  ?

Nakul nodded as yes : bhai i forgot to tell u that day.  When they blindfolded me that,  they took me in a car. I become conscious when the car started his ride,  I don't know from where this idea came.  I started counting the number from 1 and when the car stopped it was 2583.

Manik: And how the drive was,  is it slow or fast

Nakul : it was normal bhai

Aryaman : Gosh,  Wat will we do this number now. 

Maddy : yeah only with number we can't do anything. 

Aswath : Nakul tell us if u remember any sounds like any bell anything that catched your attention. 

Nakul nodded again shifting evryone attention to him

Nakul: ji bhai, first I came across a railway sound and before u ask me the timing,  when they caught me it was nearly  around 12.. Later may be I must be around count 500 I heard tuk tuk sound which comes from briyani stall.  And then before I reach the destination at around 2400 count,  I heard Masjid prayer. Only these things I remember bhai. 

Manik jumped and hugged Nakul. 

Manik: Thank you Nakul u r a saviour.  Now u go n play

He nodded and went down.

Aryaman: but bhai Wat can we do with this

Manik: we can do alot of things.  Come lets move. 

They nodded and left the mansion.

All reached Nakul home in two separate cars. 

Manik : see guys,  there are two ways from here.  Me and Maddy will go in one car and Arya and Ashwath will go in another car.  Like Nakul said, one of you keep counting from here at a normal phase and then aswath u just wander your eyes at the surrounding.  If u spot anything like that,  immediately give me a text.  But aryaman and Maddy don't stop your counting at any time,  only it can lead us to the destination .

All nodded and Arya and aswath left their way.  Maddy and manik moved in their direction. 

Manik and Aswath on their way was looking at the surrounding consciously. 

And afted 10 minutes, Aswath could see the railway track and it caught his attention.  He texted Manik immediately about that.  And moving from there, he could see a roadside briyani stall and this confirms the direction and he immediately send the text again to Manik. 

Manik got alerted and thus changed the direction to Aswath way. 

Finally it was around 4,  Aswath heard masjid prayer and this confirms his final clue.  From there, it was 5 minutes and Wat they found left him shocked it was a dead end.  By the time,  manik  and maddy also reached.

They don't know Wat to do from here.   Not only the path has a dead end, their case also came to dead end once again. 


Hello guys..  Thank you all for the response u gave me for last chapter. I was overwhelmed with few hundred views I got for the last chapter.  Thank you once again..

Hope you all like this chapter. 

A short one I know,  but the next part will be long as it is the most awaited confrontation. 

Keep supporting.

Any guesses how manik and co will find the culprit? 

Pls share your views and comment it. 



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