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Recap: Manik and co traced the location with help of Nakul which turns out to be a dead end.. 


Malhotra detective :

Everyone are sitting in manik cabin. Manik was deeply thinking about the route and how it turns to be a dead path. 

Aswath : what if Nakul is not right? 

Maddy : Nahi Aswath he gave us the details watever he remember and even we went there according to the way. If he is wrong,  then we might not have gone till there right

Aryaman: Baat toh Sahi yeh bhai.. But if he right , he was kidnapped to the location, then y can't we find any way apart from that

Manik : Wat if the dead end is really not a dead end

Maddy: Samji Nahi Manik

Manik: Let me explain u guys.. 

Watever Nakul said was right,  and we moved there according to his direction and we even find the similarities. 

But Wat we din expect was the dead end? 

Wat Nakul mentioned to us was,  when he stopped the counting he reached there and it was a old factory kind of thing and it was dark completely. He only saw the masked man there and he was threatened.  When he returned from there,  then  he was blindfolded. 

Aryaman : Haan bhai but how can a path which was there before a month can turn into a dead end suddenly. 

Aswath : y can't ?

Maddy : matlab,  they knew we will reach there and the dead end was a fake one

Manik: nahh..  It's not a fake one.. It was an artificial one. It was a kind of mirage to make us a fool. 

Aryaman: So you mean that our destination is  behind the dead end

Manik: yaahhh

Aswath : but how come it is like that?  Y didnt anyone said about that when we enquired them. 

( when they got to know it was a dead end,  they enquired among the ppl there who has shops and some people who belong to that place,  but nobody know about the dead end.  They just told that it was like that from the beginning for many years,  they really don't know if something is there or not beyond that. Some ppl also added that there are some rumours that place had some negative vibes and some ppl have been taken by the ghost) 

Aswath: but how can we reach the factory? 

Manik : First we should make sure that there is a factory there.  Maddy get me a Satellite  vision of that place asap

Maddy: okay Manik ( he leaves from there) 

Manik: and If I m right, those ppl said about some ghost stories right,  that was also fabricated by these monsters so that,  they won't go beyond the dead end or even come near it.  It was all prepared from many years to fool the people and us. 

Aryaman : You r right bhai. 

Maddy bought the satellite map location of the place and they all look into it  and Manik was right. 

Aswath : now how we r gng to enter the place?

Manik: we will go there at night.

Aryaman : bhai but I have a doubt,  if they don't want ppl to know about it,  then y did they took Nakul there in day time.. 

Aswath : bcoz when Nakul was kidnapped it was a local holiday, and as per govt orders ppl closed their shops. So it was not crowded that day. 

Aryaman nodded and all four left to make some arrangements according to manik plan

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