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Recap: Manik and Aswath investigations - Suraj revealed his mystery and then they found a girl looking alike Nandhini.


The girl was getting conscious and Nandhu was beside her. She was shocked to see a girl with her resemblance and on top of that she is related to Maddy, this is indigestible fact for them.

Girl: Maddy

Nandhu looked at Manik who was clueless. Till now they understood she is the girl whom Maddy loves.

Isn't she cheating him with fake love,

why does she is trembling with his name on unconscious state,

does she love him as he does, 

Wat is behind all this. 

All were confused , all their questions could be answered only by her " Mystery girl "

She opened her eyes will difficult and gasped to see her resemblance there.

Aswath moved to inform doc and Aryaman went to Maddy. It was now Isha, nandhini, manik and mystery girl.

Girl: who are u

Manik: well we Shud ask u that , who are u.

She turned and saw Manik " Manik sir" .  She whispered slowly.

Manik cringed his eyebrows, does she know him already.

Manik: Tell me ur name.

He was curious to know the truth. Manik came beside her and she shivered bcoz she heard, he is a ruthless monster.

Nandhini glared Manik for this act and signal him to move aside.

Nan: hi I m Nandhini. Who are u, why are u mourning Maddy name in ur unconscious state.

Girl: where is my Maddy

Isha: my Maddy, wow.. Now first tell me who r u , u look like our Nandhu,  Wat is ur relationship with Maddy

Girl: I m his girlfriend, my name is Niti , Niti khanna

Isha: Ohhh, why were u asking for Maddy ?

Niti held her head as its paining her alot. Her words came as a frustrating tone

Niti: can't u understand single sentence,  I m his girlfriend, he love me and I love him.

Manik: jhoot, he love nandhini, not Niti. U cheated my brother , u hide ur identity and used my brother. U played with his innocence. U faked ur love for him. U destroyed my brother.

He wanted to shout more, she is responsible, he is in this condition bcoz of her, only her. He want to scrutinize her to death now.

Nandhu moved to him and calmed him down. Doctor came and checked her. He told she is fyn and need a good rest.

Niti: I m sry Manik bhai. I never intend to cheat him. I was compelled to do that. But later I got hypnotized in his love and started loving him. He is the only person I have in my life, I can't afford to lose him. I love him bhai. Pls don't call my love fake. Where is my Maddy, I want to see him. Pls bhai. Nandhu pls tell him I m not a girl he thinks.

Isha: Wait, u say u r compelled, but who did, y? 

Niti: I don't know mam,  it all happened year ago.  I received a call from unknown number. I denied first. Later I used to get continous calls. One day I lifted  the call,  and I heard his voice. Man of my life. He called me Nandhini at first, I denied saying its a wrong number. But later I used to get his msg regularly. He used to share his every day whereabouts to me. I was happy as I felt connected to him , I couldn't block him.

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