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Recap : Niti revealation shocked everyone to the core. 


Niti gained consciousness after sometime and she opened her eyes. When she saw the surrounding, everything comes in her mind and she got stuck at the word running in her mind " He is in coma ". She cried and nandhini rushed to her to call her down. She was coNo ntinuosly crying for Maddy and was looking vulnerable.

Having no other choice, they took her to Maddy room. It was a private floor which is   VVIP.  No one can enter the room without Manik permission. Maddy's news was still unknown to media only bcoz of this.

Seeing Nandhini and Manik,  the guards bowed their head down and they both moved inside with Niti. 

Isha and Aryaman along with Aswath moved to office to look after the CCTV.

Inside the hospital,  they all moved inside the ward to see Maddy lying there and breathing with venliator support.  It was hard for Niti to stand there.  She never imagined him in this situation , this is the thing which she was afraid of. She doesn't want to put his life in danger.

She went near him and touch his face with her shaky hands.

Niti : Maddy utto
Yeh Kya Tamasha yeh.. Why are u playing with me. U know na,  I will be scared then y r u doing like this.

Utto na maddy

Pls see ur ammu is crying here... Get up Maddy.. Please.. See na Maddy ,  Manik sir has accepted us. Maddy see nandhini mam is also here. 

U won't believe it,  she looks same like me. U know this.  Arey mein Kya pooch rahe hun,  u must be knowing na, isiliye u were shocked on seeing me that day..

Chalo let's finish this game. I will accept my defeat. I m scared, scared of losing u now.  I won't leave u.. Pls get up Maddy.. Please.. I love u Maddy plssss don't do this to me pls..

She was crying bitterly, her head is spinning but she didn't stopped her crying.

Nandhini and Manik were also there seeing them with tears.  Nobody can see their love in this condition.

Nandhini consoled her but she wasn't stopping.  Her tears were rolling down and falling on his hand. She was continuosly calling his name.

Manik came near her , he was hesitant to hold her.

Niti: bhai, Bolo na isse,  he will listen to u.. U r his buddy , everything bolo bhai..

Manik controlled his tears and hugged her. 

Manik: ssh ssh bas bas.. He will get up for us. He will get up for his love. Don't worry. Now we need to move, u have to take rest, come.

He hold Nandhini and Niti and moved outside.

On the other side,  Aswath and Aryaman moved to office. They searched for CCTV footage. It was corrupted. It  has entry of Maddy and then everything in his floor was cracked. No evidence was found.

They sighed and called to the best hacker in this field and waited for his arrival.

Somewhere in a dark room outside to Mumbai city.

Girl: shit shit sab gadbad

Boy: Will u pls shut up, we need to search for her. 

Girl : how the hell she escaped. We just left for few hours and she escaped

Boy: I thought she won't be able to move a inch but no, she escaped. Bloody shit.  If Manik find her, then everything is gone. We need to find her soon.

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