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Recap : Aryaman got caught somewhere and Manik came to his rescue... Someone came from behind to hit them and.....


Manik grabbed the rod which is gonna hit him,  he did back forth and pull that guy infront of them. He saw the reflection earlier, that made him react soon.

He hit the man and meanwhile aswath rescued aryaman. Aryaman was found unconscious. They immediately took him to detective and Arya was treated there.  That guy was taken to torture room. 

In doctor room, 

Doc : Sir, Aryaman sir has inhaled some toxic drug... His vitals are low for now, we have treated him.. He will be fine soon.  We have to keep him under observation.

Manik nodded and left to torture room.

Aswath was hitting that guy blue and black which is scaring everyone present in the room.

Manik just pulled the person to him and then Wat happened shocked everyone. 

He hit the bullet straight into his head and he was dead. 

All are shocked. Two men's from the room escorted the body. They had never seen their boss like that,  but today all his patience, ethics went in vain.

When you see ur loved ones in pain, and u don't know the reason for their suffering, when all you could see was it was happening bcoz of you, ur mind will be in rage, it is definitely lost. The same thing is happening to Manik. 

He almost lost his buddy who is alright by God's grace,  he was about to lose his love which is still sustaining bcoz its true, he was about to lose his brother come son now.  He had no patience, definitely not.

He went to his cabin and aswath followed him. The most shocking person by seeing this was Anika. She never thought this ppl will go to such extent, she was taking their threats for granted. Now she was scared,  they can do anything with her. 

Manik's cabin:

He was looking at the photo frame in his cabin. His family, his possession, he is living for them, he is working hard for them. They are his world. He was looking at them, he gets calm down. 

Aswath came inside the cabin

Aswath: Wat is our next step buddy

Manik : our next step is Anika. She must be scared by seeing all this. She will open her mouth now. 

Aswath: okay boss. Shall we go now. 

Manik : Aswath,  did I , I mean

Aswath: no Manik,  u din do wrg,  he deserved to die. He spoiled so many Lives , he don't deserve to live.  After all this,  he still has the audacity to kidnap our Arya.  He will do anything in future,  anyways he would never open his mouth regarding his boss. So he is of no use to us.  Chill.  I have informed the department. They know about it.  The body is taken to postmortem.  The case for which the kid was arrested, is closed now as the real culprit is shoot down by Mr. Manik Malhotra and We have talked to majestrate. He has issued the order to realease the kid. He will be taken care of. We will go n meet him later.

Manik smiled and hugged him.

Manik: U always understand me.

Aswath: chal ab, mujhe us chudail ki shakal Dekhar dimag irritate hora yeh.

Manik: godddd... Help me with the psycho.

They both went in the torture room with their attitudes.

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